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Neueste    Heute    06.05.2024    05.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

A Polônia encoraja a militarização da UE
07.05.2024, 12:23 Uhr. Global Research - https: - No meio da paranóia anti-Rússia na Europa, alguns líderes querem que a UE se militarize. Recentemente, uma autoridade polaca sugeriu a criação de uma “brigada” para a Europa, capaz de responder rapidamente em situações de risco militar. Considerando o elevado … The post A Polônia encoraja a militarização da UE appeared first on Global...

Der britisch-palästinensische Arzt Ghassan Abu Sitta darf nicht nach Frankreich einreisen
07.05.2024, 09:06 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Nach Deutschland haben auch die französischen Grenzbehörden dem Chirurgen die Einreise verweigert. Abu Sitta war auf Einladung des französischen Senats am frühen Samstagmorgen (4. Mai 2024) auf dem Flughafen Charles De Gaulles (CDG) in Paris gelandet, um vor dem Gremium über seine Erfahrungen als Arzt im jüngsten Gaza-Krieg...

Illegal Immigrant Crisis Stings Border Town In Unexpected Way
07.05.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Illegal Immigrant Crisis Stings Border Town In Unexpected Way Authored by Janice Hisle via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Benny Rodriguez, an 80-year-old grandfather of seven, beams as he points to faded photographs on the wall and proudly narrates the story of Eagle Grocery, a family-run business since 1939. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Getty...

Russia Warns It Can Hit UK's Military "Beyond" Ukraine Amid Nuclear Saber-Rattling
06.05.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Warns It Can Hit UK's Military "Beyond" Ukraine Amid Nuclear Saber-Rattling We reported earlier Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his armed forces to conduct tactical nuclear weapons drills in order for the country to be fully 'ready' to deter threats against it. A specific date for these nuclear drills has yet to be publicized...

Key Events This Week: Things Finally Quiet Down
06.05.2024, 16:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Key Events This Week: Things Finally Quiet Down After a whirlwind two weeks which saw both the latest FOMC decision and the April jobs report, not to mention the peak of earnings season when all of the top tech companies reported, the calendar takes a quieter turn after the deluge of macro events last week, and the focus shifts on whether markets can...

Trump Says Jack Smith Should Be "Arrested" After Documents Revelation
06.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Says Jack Smith Should Be "Arrested" After Documents Revelation By Jack Phillips of The Epoch Times Former President Donald Trump argued that special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents case against him should be tossed after prosecutors wrote that they misled a judge about the order of items in an evidence box. In a post on Truth Social...

US Covert Missile Launcher Touted As Game Changer In Future Taiwan War
05.05.2024, 21:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Covert Missile Launcher Touted As Game Changer In Future Taiwan War Authored by Kyle Anzalone via, After the US withdrew from a major nuclear arms treaty with Russia in 2019, the Pentagon began to develop weapons that would have violated that agreement. Such a covert missile has now been deployed to the Philippines as part of the US military...

The Interlocking Of Strategic Paradigms
05.05.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Interlocking Of Strategic Paradigms Authored by Alastair Crooke via the Ron Paul Institute, Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology and National Security Policy at MIT, has provided a forensic analysis of the videos and evidence emerging from Iran’s 13th April swarm drone and missile ‘demonstration’ attack into Israel: A ‘message’...

Radio Ranchito in Argentinien ‒ Der Lärm, der den Unterschied macht!
05.05.2024, 05:15 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Wie Radio Ranchito straffällig gewordenen Jugendlichen eine Stimme gibt Radio Ranchito ‒ ein offizielles Projekt der geisteswissenschaftlichen Universität von Mar de Plata. Dabei stehen vor allem die Teilnahme der Jugendlichen an einem Kommunikations- und Bildungsraum,... weiter 05.05.2024 Audio von Radio onda zu Argentinien, Kultur, Soziales...

Keine Flüge mehr nach Buenos Aires: "Absurde" Anwendung der US-Blockade gegen Kuba
05.05.2024, 05:10 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Havanna/Buenos Aires. Die kubanische Fluggesellschaft Cubana de Aviación muss die seit fast 40 Jahren bestehende Direktverbindung zwischen Havanna und Buenos Aires einstellen. Grund dafür ist die Weigerung des staatlichen argentinischen Erdölkonzerns Yacimientos Petrolíferos... weiter 05.05.2024 Artikel von Marcel Kunzmann zu Kuba, Argentinien,...

Kolumbien bricht Beziehungen zu Israel ab: „Dieser Staat hat eine völkermordende Regierung“
04.05.2024, 15:44 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Kolumbiens Präsident Gustavo Petro hat am 1. Mai den Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen zu Israel wegen der militärischen Aktionen im Gazastreifen angekündigt. In seiner Rede zum Internationalen Tag der Arbeit auf der Plaza de Bolívar in Bogotá bezeichnete er den Umgang der israelischen Regierung mit der Situation in Gaza als „völkermörderisch”...

Gespräche in Brüssel: Kuba und Europäische Union gegen US-Zwangsmaßnahmen
04.05.2024, 05:06 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Brüssel. In Belgiens Hauptstadt hat vergangene Woche ein Treffen zwischen Delegationen Kubas und der Europäischen Union stattgefunden. Seit 2017 führen beide Seiten jährlich Gespräche im Rahmen des "Abkommens über politischen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit mit Kuba" (Acuerdo de diálogo... weiter 04.05.2024 Artikel von Edgar Göll zu Kuba, EU, Wirtschaft...

Trump Urges Dismissal Of Mar-a-Lago Case, Claims 'Selective And Vindictive Prosecution'
04.05.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Urges Dismissal Of Mar-a-Lago Case, Claims 'Selective And Vindictive Prosecution' Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Former President Donald Trump docketed a brief to support his motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment against him in Florida, citing “selective and vindictive prosecution” on Thursday...

"The Whole Rotten Train Is Going Off The Rails"
03.05.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Whole Rotten Train Is Going Off The Rails" Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Nostalgia For The Mind “Resentful childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination. Why else worship at the altar of Hamas? Why else would it be so overwhelmingly female?” - Dr. Jordan Peterson Wasn’t it cute how the youngsters who “occupied”...

Every Conservative Party In Europe Needs To Prepare For Mass Censorship, Warns Flemish MEP
03.05.2024, 12:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Every Conservative Party In Europe Needs To Prepare For Mass Censorship, Warns Flemish MEP By Thomas Brooke of In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Gerolf Annemans, the Vlaams Belang MEP and president of the European Identity and Democracy group, warns that even greater censorship of conservatives is just around the corner, and tells...

White South Africans Face Crime And Torture But Still Believe US And Europe Face Darker Future: Ernst Roets
03.05.2024, 12:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White South Africans Face Crime And Torture But Still Believe US And Europe Face Darker Future: Ernst Roets By John Cody of In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Ernst Roets, the head of policy for the Solidarity Movement in South Africa, spoke with Remix News about the future of White Boers in South Africa, how they're building their...

Kritik an Moderatorin: SRF fordert Schweizer zu Kommentar-Zensur auf
03.05.2024, 12:00 Uhr. - https: - Stellt euch folgende Situation vor: Ihr kritisiert das Auftreten einer Nachrichtensprecherin im de facto öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk eures Landes. Plötzlich flattert eine Woche später zu nachtschlafender Zeit ein Schreiben des Senders in euer E-Mail-Postfach. Darin werdet ihr aufgefordert, die Äußerungen anderer Kommentatoren unter eurem Beitrag...

O Regime de Kiev está perdendo mais de mil soldados por dia no front.
03.05.2024, 10:54 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Os dados reais do conflito parecem cada vez mais catastróficos para o regime de Kiev. Além das pesadas perdas materiais e da inutilidade da ajuda ocidental, a Ucrânia sofre com uma taxa de mortalidade crescente no campo de batalha. O … The post O Regime de Kiev está perdendo mais de mil soldados por dia no front. appeared first on Global Research...

Es geschah vor 10 Jahren: Das Massaker in Odessa am 2. Mai 2014
02.05.2024, 15:28 Uhr. Home - https: - Angesichts des 10. Jahrestages dieses entsetzlichen Ereignisses möchten wir mit unserem Kärtchen vom 19.12.2022 daran erinnern. Lauffeuer – Dokumentarfilm über das Massaker in Odessa am 2. Mai 2014 Ein Film von Ulrich Heyden und Marco Benson über die Brandangriffe auf das Gewerkschaftshaus in Odessa zu Beginn des ukrainischen Bürgerkrieges, die...

Futures Rise As Dovish Fed Boosts Sentiment, Reverse Bizarre Post-Powell Slide
02.05.2024, 14:18 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rise As Dovish Fed Boosts Sentiment, Reverse Bizarre Post-Powell Slide After a bizarre reversal when US stocks first slumped and then dumped after Powell's very dovish FOMC statement and press conference, US equity futures have regained their footing this morning and advanced as traders took comfort from the Fed’s signal that there’s no...

Kolumbien bricht Beziehungen zu Israel ab
02.05.2024, 05:25 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Bogotá. Kolumbiens Präsident Gustavo Petro hat am 1. Mai den Abbruch der Beziehungen zu Israel ab heute, 2. Mai, wegen der laufenden Aktionen im Gazastreifen angekündigt. In seiner Rede zum Internationalen Tag der Arbeit auf der Plaza de Bolívar in Bogotá bezeichnete er den... weiter 02.05.2024 Artikel von Ariana Pérez zu Kolumbien...

Title IX Rules: 6 More States Sue Biden Admin Over "Radical And Illegal" Changes
02.05.2024, 00:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Title IX Rules: 6 More States Sue Biden Admin Over "Radical And Illegal" Changes Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times, A group of six Republican state attorneys general filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration’s Department of Education on Tuesday over what they said were “radical and illegal” changes to Title IX rules. The...

The Path Of Least Resistance: Northwestern Reaches Controversial Settlement With Pro-Palestinian Protesters
01.05.2024, 21:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Path Of Least Resistance: Northwestern Reaches Controversial Settlement With Pro-Palestinian Protesters Authored by Jonathan Turley, Northwestern University has agreed to a controversial settlement with pro-Palestinian protesters encamped on its campus this week, including a commitment for scholarships for Palestinians, Palestinian faculty appointments...

Eurozone Exits Recession
01.05.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Eurozone Exits Recession By Maartje Wijffelaars and Elwin de Groot of Rabobank Eurozone leaves recessionary territory The Eurozone economy grew by 0.3% q/q at the start of the year, exceeding expectations. Growth follows two quarters in which the economy mildly contracted. Among the largest member states, Spain again took the lead, growing by a stunning...

First Cases Of HIV Transmitted Through Cosmetic Needles Identified: CDC
01.05.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - First Cases Of HIV Transmitted Through Cosmetic Needles Identified: CDC Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Multiple people contracted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through cosmetic needles after receiving facials at an unlicensed spa in New Mexico, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)....

New Biden Energy Rules Will Raise The Cost Of A New Home By $31,000
30.04.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - New Biden Energy Rules Will Raise The Cost Of A New Home By $31,000 Authored by Mike Shedlock via, New HUD energy rules will raise the cost of home construction by imposing stricter building codes. Payback time is 90 years... Homes To Become Even More Unaffordable The Wall Street Journal comments on Biden’s New Plan for Unaffordable...

Don't Buy Rate-Hike Hype, Next Fed Move Is A Cut
30.04.2024, 16:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Don't Buy Rate-Hike Hype, Next Fed Move Is A Cut Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, The Federal Reserve’s next move this year is likely to be a rate cut - despite the re-emergence of inflation - leaving markets at risk of a dovish repricing. When it comes to the Fed, it’s easy to get hung up on what they should do, and neglect...

Neue Videos am Montag
29.04.2024, 17:37 Uhr. - https: - Tauchen Sie heute ein in eine Vielzahl neuer und fesselnder Videos, die nicht nur unterhalten, sondern auch Ihren Horizont erweitern werden. Von faszinierenden Dokumentationen bis zu aktuellen Nachrichten und informativen Clips ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei! Phasengesteuertes 3D Radar zur Bevölkerungskontrolle und Totalüberwachung 2010 (DE)...

Os Estados Unidos em guerra contra o “novo eixo do mal”
29.04.2024, 09:39 Uhr. Global Research - https: - O Congresso dos EUA aprovou um projeto de lei de “ajuda” de US$ 95 bilhões para a Ucrânia, Israel e Taiwan. O projeto de lei, votado por uma grande maioria bipartidária de democratas e republicanos, fornece US$ 60,8 bilhões para … The post Os Estados Unidos em guerra contra o “novo eixo do mal” appeared first on Global Research...

Die Faschisten testen mal, ob die Leute akzeptieren, dass sie nur noch mit Code in die Stadt hinein oder heraus kommen
28.04.2024, 17:30 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Testgebiete sind Île de la Madeleine, Kanada und Venedig.Wenn das läuft, dann kommt das flächendeckend wie in China. die QR-Code-Nummer funktioniert wie bei Corona. Sie lässt sich dann auch gut mit der “e-ID”, einem “Impf”-Zertifikat und dem elektronsichen Geld, der CBDC verbinden....

COP3 von Escazú endet in Chile mit wenig konkreten Plänen
28.04.2024, 05:31 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Santiago de Chile. In Santiago de Chile ist am Donnerstag, 25. April, die dritte Konferenz der teilnehmenden Staaten des Abkommens von Escazú zu Ende gegangen. Teilgenommen hatten Vertreter:innen der lateinamerikanischen Staaten und Umweltorganisationen aus der Region. Als... weiter 28.04.2024 Artikel von Malte Seiwerth zu Chile, Lateinamerika...

The Scramble For Antarctica
28.04.2024, 04:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Scramble For Antarctica Authored by Gregory Copley via The Epoch Times, The “scramble for Antarctica” is slowly gathering steam, and it is not unrelated to a new “scramble for the Americas.” The ramifications for the Indo-Pacific and, indeed, for the global strategic balance are also profound. By 2024, Antarctica had at least 82 bases from...

Terroristas patrocinados pela OTAN lançam ataque frustrado à Bielorrússia durante importante evento político.
27.04.2024, 16:25 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Um ataque de drones contra a capital da República de Belarus, Minsk, foi neutralizado pelas forças de defesa locais, evitando uma grave tragédia. Os UAV partiram da Lituânia – um país da OTAN que alberga vários terroristas expatriados bielorrussos que … The post Terroristas patrocinados pela OTAN lançam ataque frustrado à Bielorrússia...

A Letônia avança políticas russofóbicas.
27.04.2024, 01:54 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Os Estados Bálticos continuam a promover políticas racistas contra o povo russo, criando uma grave atmosfera de hostilidade na Europa. A Letônia planeja erradicar completamente a língua russa do currículo escolar, o que terá certamente consequências catastróficas para a estabilidade … The post A Letônia avança políticas russofóbicas...

Yuan Devaluation Fever Heats Up As China Stockpiles Metals
26.04.2024, 16:38 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Yuan Devaluation Fever Heats Up As China Stockpiles Metals Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Gold trading in China has exploded and stocks of copper have risen sharply prompting speculation that policymakers are on the brink of a yuan devaluation. Even though it’s still a tail-risk, it’s one requiring greater vigilance as the...

„Unsere Söhne werden bald in der Hölle der Ukraine für Multimilliardäre in Amerika kämpfen und sterben“.
26.04.2024, 07:37 Uhr. - https: - Israel hat die iranische Botschaft in Syrien bombardiert. Daraufhin hat der Iran zwei abgelegene Militärflugplätze in Israel bombardiert. Plötzlich ist die ganze EU gegen den Iran, weil er dort alle Menschenrechte verletzt. Unsinn, sagte der Europaabgeordnete Marcel de Graaff im Europaparlament. “Der Iran soll offenbar dafür bestraft werden...

Saudi Arabia's Massive Futuristic Vanity Projects Falter Amid Gaza War
26.04.2024, 01:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Saudi Arabia's Massive Futuristic Vanity Projects Falter Amid Gaza War Authored by Giorgio Cafiero via The Cradle Launched in 2017, Saudi Arabia’s NEOM, a sprawling high-tech development on the northwestern Red Sea coast, was introduced as the crown jewel of Vision 2030. This futuristic desert megaproject, extending over some Jordanian and Egyptian...

O Regime de Kiev está prestes a recrutar crianças nas escolas.
25.04.2024, 16:51 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Forçado a continuar a lutar, o regime de Kiev tenta desesperadamente fornecer novos recrutas às suas tropas na linha da frente. Tendo já esgotado as suas reservas, o governo ucraniano aposta agora no recrutamento de crianças nas escolas como uma … The post O Regime de Kiev está prestes a recrutar crianças nas escolas. appeared first on Global...

Will The Anglo-American Axis Really Deploy Nukes To Poland?
25.04.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Will The Anglo-American Axis Really Deploy Nukes To Poland? Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Polish President Andrzej Duda confirmed in an interview during his latest trip to the US that “If our allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons as part of nuclear sharing also on our territory to strengthen the security of NATO's eastern flank, we...

Sie haben das Klima im 17. Jahrhundert katastrophal beeinflusst
25.04.2024, 07:34 Uhr. - https: - Von Guy de la Bédoyère Vor langer Zeit war ich fasziniert von der Besessenheit der Menschen, dass die Zeit, in der sie leben, von epischer, überwältigender Bedeutung ist. Ich suchte nach einem Wort, das dies auf den Punkt bringen würde. Es gibt keins, also habe ich mein eigenes erfunden: Chronozentrik. Es handelt sich dabei um […]...

The Next Global Hegemon Has To Be Even Larger Than The US
24.04.2024, 22:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Next Global Hegemon Has To Be Even Larger Than The US By Michael Every of Rabobank "Where it will end is very much up for grabs." Yesterday’s manufacturing PMIs shouted “stagflation”, even if some heard “rate cuts”. German manufacturing was 42.2, French 44.9, and Eurozone 45.6, as services were 53.3, 50.5, and 52.9 - but Europe must now...

Kering Tumbles On Profit Warning As Gucci Revamp Stumbles 
24.04.2024, 15:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kering Tumbles On Profit Warning As Gucci Revamp Stumbles  Gucci owner Kering SA's problems in mainland China are only mounting as the French luxury giant issued a profit warning. As a result, shares of the company in Paris plunged to a six-year low.  Lackluster Chinese demand for the luxury goods maker, which includes the Gucci, Balenciaga, Bottega...

Euro Area PMI Activity Hits 11 Month High On Service Expansion As Manufacturing Recession Gets Worse
23.04.2024, 15:34 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Euro Area PMI Activity Hits 11 Month High On Service Expansion As Manufacturing Recession Gets Worse Europe's study in paradoxical contrasts continues. On the same day, ECB's de Guindos said a June rate cut looks like a set deal (unless there are surprises) with the end of inflation fight is in sight, the Euro-area's private-sector activity advanced to...

Gaza War At 200 Days: IDF Pivots From Iran Threat Back To Hamas Operations
23.04.2024, 14:57 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gaza War At 200 Days: IDF Pivots From Iran Threat Back To Hamas Operations Monday into Tuesday saw the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) intensify its operations in central and northern Gaza, following a cooling of tensions with Iran after the two almost went to war. Tuesday marks the 200th day of Israel's war in Gaza, in response to the Oct.7 Hamas terror...

Futures Extend Rebound Into Second Day Ahead Of Tesla Earnings Despite Rising Yields
23.04.2024, 14:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Extend Rebound Into Second Day Ahead Of Tesla Earnings Despite Rising Yields US equity futures are higher for the second day, even as small-caps underperform after bond yields rise about +4bps and trade near session highs. As of 7:40am S&P and Nasdaq futures were 0.3% higher after Wall Street’s rebound from a $2 trillion selloff; European...

US verfügt über “Mikrowellen”-Waffen, die die Elektronik der iranischen Nuklearanlagen zerstören können – Bericht
23.04.2024, 07:35 Uhr. - https: - Von Swetlana Ekimenko Das Pentagon erforscht futuristische Optionen für die elektronische Kriegsführung wie Mikrowellenstrahler und Laser mit gerichteter Energie (DE), sagte der oberste Beamte des US-Verteidigungsministeriums für Fragen der UAS-Abwehr, Armee-Generalmajor Sean Gainey, im Jahr 2023 und fügte hinzu, dass in Hochleistungs-Mikrowellenkapazitäten...

Präsident Lula da Silva fördert per Dekret die Agrarreform in Brasilien
23.04.2024, 05:21 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Brasília. Der progressive brasilianische Präsident Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will bis 2026 295.000 brasilianische Familien mit Land versorgen. Dafür hat er ein Dekret unterzeichnet, das das Programm Terra de Gente (Land der Leute) ins Leben ruft. Im Rahmen dieses Programms wird die... weiter 23.04.2024 Artikel von Eva von Steinburg zu Brasilien...

Rothschild-Erbe übte Druck auf Universität in Rom aus
23.04.2024, 00:00 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der Erbe einer der reichsten Adelsfamilien der Welt schickte über seine Stiftung einen Brief an die Mitglieder des akademischen Senats der Universität La Sapienza in Rom, berichtet L'Indipendente. Darin setzte Yehoshua Bubola Lévy de Rothschild die Institution unter Druck, einen von Studenten initiierten Antrag auf ein Verbot der akademischen Zusammenarbeit...

Argentinien: Präsident verkündet "neue außenpolitische Doktrin" und Allianz mit den USA
22.04.2024, 05:06 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Milei beginnt engere Militärkooperation mit den USA. Gemeinsamer Marinestützpunkt in Patagonien. Beitritt zur Nato als "globaler Partner" beantragt Buenos Aires. Die USA und Argentinien haben durch mehrere Verträge eine engere militärische Kooperation vereinbart. Die US-Botschaft in Buenos Aires kündigte zudem eine Unterstützung in...

Zelensky Critica Políticos dos Eua à Medida que a Ajuda Militar Diminui
21.04.2024, 01:56 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Aparentemente, as tensões entre o governo ucraniano e os EUA estão a aumentar. Num discurso recente, o presidente ucraniano, Vladimir Zelensky, criticou severamente os políticos e decisores americanos, acusando-os de não se preocuparem com a Ucrânia. O caso mostra claramente … The post Zelensky Critica Políticos dos Eua à Medida que a Ajuda...

Neueste    Heute    06.05.2024    05.05.2024    + Doppelte News