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Neueste    Heute    24.04.2024    23.04.2024    + Doppelte News  

Aussie Senator Says Elon Musk Should "Be In Jail And The Key Be Thrown Away"
24.04.2024, 14:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Aussie Senator Says Elon Musk Should "Be In Jail And The Key Be Thrown Away" Authored by Steve Watson via, An Australian Senator has called for X owner Elon Musk to be jailed for life for refusing to adhere to the Australian government’s demands to remove a video of the brutal attack on a Christian Bishop in Sydney last week by an apparent...

FlySafair Boeing 737's Wheel Separates After Takeoff 
24.04.2024, 12:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - FlySafair Boeing 737's Wheel Separates After Takeoff  Another near-mid-air disaster involving a Boeing 737-8EH was narrowly averted. The incident occurred last weekend in South Africa as the narrow-body airliner traveling from Johannesburg to Cape Town lost a wheel and was forced to make an emergency landing.  South African budget carrier FlySafair...

Wochenkolumne des Ex-Kongressabgeordneten der Republikaner Ron Paul: „Final Nail in America’s Coffin?“
23.04.2024, 06:15 Uhr. - https: - In seiner aktuellen Wochenkolumne auf der Webseite des Ron Paul Institue For Peace and Prosperity fragt sich der frühe Spitzenpolitiker; „Letzter Nagel in Amerikas Sarg?" Gemeint sind die Beschlüsse im US-Kongress zur weiteren Finanzierung von zweieinhalb Kriegen, die Abschaffung der Privatsphäre der US-Bürger und die Ermächtigung des US-Präsidenten...

The Bad Faith Olympics
22.04.2024, 22:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Bad Faith Olympics Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “This is the weirdest era in human history. By far. Nothing else even comes close. Billionaires trying to kill everyone. Civil society unable to form a coherent thought. Institutions lie in smoldering ruins. Poisons handed out like candy. We are Neanderthals with iPhones.”...

Community Notes For The Win: VP Kamala Harris' Post Gets Instantly Debunked
22.04.2024, 15:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Community Notes For The Win: VP Kamala Harris' Post Gets Instantly Debunked X has depended on Community Notes, a crowdsourced fact-checking feature, to address the rampant spread of misinformation. It's a much better alternative than leftist fact-checking websites that push routine misinformation and disinformation for their corporate sponsors. ...

Skynet ist eingetroffen: Google folgt Apple und aktiviert ein weltweites Bluetooth LE Mesh-Netzwerk
22.04.2024, 15:00 Uhr. - https: - Von Luis Quintero Die totale Überwachungsgesellschaft Wearables – Smartphones, Fitness-Tracker, Smartwatches, Hörgeräte, Apple Air Tags, Ring-Produkte usw. – nutzen alle Bluetooth LE (Low Energy), um ein unabhängiges “Mesh-Netzwerk” zu bilden, das nicht auf dem Internet basiert. All diese Geräte können Datenpakete und Anweisungen...

Entlarvung der Voreingenommenheit von “Fake-News-Experten”.
22.04.2024, 10:12 Uhr. - https: - Entlarvung der Voreingenommenheit von “Fehlinformations-Experten”, die kritische Fragen zur freien Meinungsäußerung und zu den wahren Hütern der Wahrheit im Internet aufwerfen. Der Kampf um die Kontrolle des Internets, dem mächtigsten Instrument unserer Zeit, mit dem sich wirtschaftliche und politische Interessen durch Nachrichten, Inhalte...

Das Gehirn: Die nächste Herausforderung für den Datenschutz?
22.04.2024, 00:00 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Die Neurotechnologie für Verbraucher boomt. Im Internet kann man für 500 Dollar ein seltsam aussehendes Stirnband kaufen, wenn man sein eigenes persönliches EEG machen möchte, um seine Gehirndaten aufzuzeichnen. «Doch bevor Sie auf ‹Kaufen› klicken, sollten Sie die Datenschutzrichtlinien des Geräts ansehen», rät Statnews. Der Grund: Laut...

Charter School Founders Accused Of Massive Fraud
21.04.2024, 05:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Charter School Founders Accused Of Massive Fraud Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Prosecutors are accusing three men of bilking Oklahoma out of millions of dollars in public school funds through a charter school plan that one of the defendants told a state district court prioritized income. Former owners of Epic Youth...

Wer im UK eine falsche Meinung im Internet postet, riskiert, dass die Gedankenpolizei kommt
20.04.2024, 20:40 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - (via RadioGenoa)...

Finternet: das Finanzsystem der Zukunft, wie es sich die Faschisten vorstellen
20.04.2024, 19:06 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - This paper lays out a vision for the Finternet: multiple financial ecosystems interconnected with each other, much like the internet, designed to empower individuals and businesses by placing them at the centre of their financial lives. It advocates for a user-centric approach that lowers barriers between financial services and systems, thus promoting...

Utah Students Stage Walkout To Protest 'Barking And Biting Furries' In The Classroom
20.04.2024, 15:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Utah Students Stage Walkout To Protest 'Barking And Biting Furries' In The Classroom American schools have changed a lot in just the past five years.  Not long ago, it was understood by even the most progressive educators that some rules need to be put in place to keep kids in check.  Structure has always been a good thing for small people with developing...

The New Empires of the Internet Age
20.04.2024, 13:02 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Cyberspace has upended the old world order....

The Regime That Doesn't Care
20.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Regime That Doesn't Care Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, We’ve all come across warnings against doom scrolling. This is the practice of waking up in the morning, scouring headlines, seizing on the bad news, and dwelling on the darkness. You do this during downtimes in the day and in the evening. Your mood worsens, permanently....

Climate Worries Are Non-Credible, Luxury Beliefs That Harm Civilization Itself
19.04.2024, 21:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Climate Worries Are Non-Credible, Luxury Beliefs That Harm Civilization Itself Authored by Joakim Book via The Mises Institute, I live in a small village at the edge of lands surrounded by very harsh nature. Those who occupied these valleys in ages past lived ruthlessly dangerous lives, where starvation was a constant worry, the sea just as often nurtured...

How Big Tech Is Consuming America's Electricity And Water
19.04.2024, 21:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Big Tech Is Consuming America's Electricity And Water Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), As federal net-zero policies attempt to shift transportation, heating, and other essentials onto the electric grid, one of the hottest growth sectors of America’s economy is poised to increase electricity demand exponentially,...

BIZ-Bericht enthüllt das Finanzsystem der Zukunft: Digitale ID und CBDC-gestütztes “Finternet”.
19.04.2024, 14:55 Uhr. - https: - Nilekani und Carstens schlagen digitale ID, CBDC-gestütztes “Finternet” als “zukünftiges Finanzsystem” vor: BIZ-Bericht Das Internet wird zu einer digitalen öffentlichen Infrastruktur verschmelzen, in der die Anonymität abgeschafft wird, Geld programmierbar ist und die Bürger zur Einhaltung der Vorschriften gezwungen werden:...

What Happened To Bitcoin?
19.04.2024, 12:34 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Happened To Bitcoin? Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Brownstone Institute, Those who involved themselves in Bitcoin markets after 2017 encountered a different operation and ideal than those who came before. Today, no one much cares about what came before, speaking of 2010-2016. They are only watching the upward price momentum and are thrilled...

Telegram-Gründer enthüllt angebliche verdeckte Aktionen der US-Regierung zur Hintertür der App
19.04.2024, 07:34 Uhr. - https: - US-Behörden sollen nach Hintertüren in die Verschlüsselung von Telegram gesucht haben. Hier eine Schlagzeile, die diese Woche im Internet auftauchte: “Die US-Regierung hat versucht, Menschen auszuspionieren…” (…behauptet” jemand, der zufällig der Gründer von Telegram ist). Was für ein Schock. Ist das wirklich eine Meldung...

Inside The Disinformation Industry
18.04.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Inside The Disinformation Industry Authored by Freddie Sayers via, “Our team re-reviewed the domain, the rating will not change as it continues to have anti-LGBTQI+ narratives… The site authors have been called out for being anti-trans. Kathleen Stock is acknowledged as a ‘prominent gender-critical’ feminist.” This was part of an...

'Israel Propped Up Hamas': Fireworks Ensue During ZeroHedge Debate, Dennis Prager Says Atrocity Claims 'Libel'
18.04.2024, 20:08 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Israel Propped Up Hamas': Fireworks Ensue During ZeroHedge Debate, Dennis Prager Says Atrocity Claims 'Libel' On Wednesday night, against the backdrop of the war in Gaza expanding to Lebanon and Syria, ZeroHedge held a debate to discuss the war in the Middle East. Debating that question and more at last night’s ZeroHedge debate were talk show host...

Senate Can Stop Expansion Of Government Surveillance
18.04.2024, 14:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Senate Can Stop Expansion Of Government Surveillance Authored by Bob Goodlatte & Mark Udall via RealClear Wire, When the U.S. House passed the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), which reauthorizes the FISA Section 702 surveillance authority, it overlooked something big – an amendment that would drive the greatest expansion...

Why Does A Woke Maryland Private School Want To Know The Gender Identity Of Young Students, And If They Had "Oral Sex"?
18.04.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Does A Woke Maryland Private School Want To Know The Gender Identity Of Young Students, And If They Had "Oral Sex"? The parents of an elite Baltimore County, Maryland, private school, where tuition ranges from $32,000 for lower school to as high as $38,000 for upper school per year, are beyond frustrated. Many can't voice their concerns about the...

Will The World's Most Pro-Bitcoin Politician Embrace Gold?
17.04.2024, 20:49 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Will The World's Most Pro-Bitcoin Politician Embrace Gold? Via, Since Nayib Bukele became president of El Salvador, El Salvador has been in American media and global political discussion more than ever. While much of the attention focuses on Bukele’s mass incarceration of gang members and a decline in homicide of over 70%, Bukele has...

Biometric identification: It’s what Russia craves?
17.04.2024, 17:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - The nations of the world are racing each other to see who can tag their respective cattle in the safest and most voluntary and convenient way. Meanwhile, the cattle bicker on the internet about which rancher has the best and most moral cattle tag. “So it goes.” I suppose it’s a matter of taste, really. …...

The Evolution Of Intelligence
17.04.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Evolution Of Intelligence The expert consensus is that human-like machine intelligence is still a distant prospect, with only a 50-50 chance that it could emerge by 2059. But what if there was a way to do it in less than half the time? Visual Capitalist partnered with VERSES for the final entry in our AI Revolution Series to explore a potential...

Deutsche Regierung: «Hass im Internet gefährdet Debattenkultur»
16.04.2024, 19:40 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Aus Furcht vor Hass im Netz ziehen sich viele Menschen aus dem digitalen Raum zurück oder äußern seltener ihre Meinung. Damit wird die Debattenkultur im digitalen Raum eingeschränkt, was insgesamt zu einer Bedrohung der Demokratie beitragen kann. Das betont die Bundesregierung in ihrer Antwort(Quelle: Bundestag)Sie verdrehen die Wahrheit in ihr...

Ed Snowden warnt! “Die NSA steht kurz vor der Übernahme des Internets”!
16.04.2024, 16:02 Uhr. - https: - Die Nationale Sicherheitsbehörde der Vereinigten Staaten (NSA) steht nach Angaben des NSA-Whistleblowers Edward Snowden kurz davor, mit einer massiven Ausweitung ihrer Überwachungsbefugnisse “die Kontrolle über das Internet zu übernehmen”. In einem Beitrag vom 16. April auf X wies Snowden auf einen ursprünglich von Elizabeth Goitein...

NSA "Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet" Warns Ed Snowden
16.04.2024, 14:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NSA "Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet" Warns Ed Snowden Authored by Tom Mitchelhill via, The United States National Security Agency (NSA) is only days away from “taking over the internet” with a massive expansion of its surveillance powers, according to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. In an April 16 post to X, Snowden...

Die Fake-Daten des Johns Hopkins Corona-Dashboards zur Vorspiegelung einer Pandemie
16.04.2024, 10:32 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Der Beginn der Corona-“Pandemie“ wurde sorgfältig orchestriert. Wie erinnerlich wurde am 7. Januar 2020 das „neue Virus“ wird isoliert, am 12. Januar 2020 die angebliche Genom-Sequenz ins Internet hochgeladen und am 22. Januar 2020 ein Dashboard, das angeblich Fälle und Todesfälle weltweit in Echtzeit meldet, von der John Hopkins University...

Nominal Retail Sales Soared In March As Gas Prices Spiked
15.04.2024, 14:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nominal Retail Sales Soared In March As Gas Prices Spiked Ahead of today's retail sales print, BofA's practically omniscient analysts forecast a hot-hot-hot core print... ...and they were massively correct. After last month's surprise headline surge in retail sales (on the back of Motor Vehicle & Parts), consensus was for another monthly increase (but...

Why Mankind Remains So Lost In Economic-Ignorance & Triablistic-Warmongering
15.04.2024, 08:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Mankind Remains So Lost In Economic-Ignorance & Triablistic-Warmongering Authored by Jorge Besada via The Mises Institute, Carl Menger's Overlooked Vital Evolutionary Insights Carl Menger is widely recognized as one of the economists leading the so-called marginalist revolution along with William Stanley Jevons and Léon Walras. There are two other...

Americans Panic-Search "World War III" And "Can I Be Drafted" As Iran Bombs Israel
15.04.2024, 00:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Americans Panic-Search "World War III" And "Can I Be Drafted" As Iran Bombs Israel Americans panic searched "World War III" and other related searches following Iran's Saturday night attack on Israel with hundreds of missiles and drones.   Using data from Google Trends, "World War III" searches surged nationwide, hitting a five-year high.  Americans...

Gewalt auf Corona-Demos: Prügel-Polizist landet auf der Anklagebank
14.04.2024, 23:53 Uhr. - https: - Seinen Job als „Freund und Helfer“ hat Dominic H. gründlich missverstanden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft legt dem Berliner zwei Straftaten zur Last. Doch Videos im Internet zeigen: Der Polizist hat seine Stellung wohl schon deutlich öfter missbraucht. Von Kai Rebmann. Der Beitrag Gewalt auf Corona-Demos: Prügel-Polizist landet auf der Anklagebank erschien...

How Did Satoshi Think Of Bitcoin?
13.04.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Did Satoshi Think Of Bitcoin? Authored by Unchained CSO Dhruv Bansal via, Bitcoin is often compared to the internet in the 1990s, but I believe the better analogy is to the telegraph in the 1840s. The telegraph was the first technology to transmit encoded data at near-light speed over long distances. It marked the birth of the...

The Freedom That Once Was The Internet
13.04.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Freedom That Once Was The Internet Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), It’s time to declare as regards the internet of old: Requiescat in Pace. In this photo illustration an internet page is displayed on a computer screen in London, England, on April 13, 2006. (Scott Barbour/Getty Images) It’s dead. We might as...

Starlink Reportedly Instructed To Shutdown In Zimbabwe By Government
12.04.2024, 20:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Starlink Reportedly Instructed To Shutdown In Zimbabwe By Government Authored by L.S.M Kabweza via, Techzim can reveal that the government of Zimbabwe has instructed Starlink to shut down services in the country. Users of the service received an email from the satellite internet service provider today, advising them it had been directed...

House Advances Modified FISA Bill After Conservative Revolt, Snowden Pushes For "Biggs" Amendment
12.04.2024, 17:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Advances Modified FISA Bill After Conservative Revolt, Snowden Pushes For "Biggs" Amendment The House advanced a new version of a bill to reauthorize American's use of warrantless surveillance, opening the measure up for debate, amendments, and a final floor vote after a previous iteration of the bill was blocked Republicans. Rep. Barry Moore...

Biden Admin Finalizes Controversial Rule To Expand Background Checks On Gun Sales
12.04.2024, 04:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Admin Finalizes Controversial Rule To Expand Background Checks On Gun Sales Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has submitted the final version of a controversial rule to change the definition of what it means to be “Engaged in the Business” of dealing...

From Taiwan To Fentanyl: Biden–Xi Dialogue Changes Nothing
12.04.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - From Taiwan To Fentanyl: Biden–Xi Dialogue Changes Nothing Authored by Antonio Graceffo via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), President Joe Biden speaks during a press conference after meeting with Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders' week in Woodside, Calif., on Nov. 15, 2023. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP...

Jim Jordan Investigating Renewed DOJ, FBI Contacts With Big Tech, Amid Concerns Of Censorship Pressure
11.04.2024, 21:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jim Jordan Investigating Renewed DOJ, FBI Contacts With Big Tech, Amid Concerns Of Censorship Pressure Authored by Ryan Morgan via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) questions former special counsel Robert K. Hur as Hur testifies before the House Judiciary Committee in Washington on March...

"We're Going To Lose A Major War": US Navy Deletes Photo Of Ship Commander Shooting Rifle With Backwards Scope 
11.04.2024, 05:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "We're Going To Lose A Major War": US Navy Deletes Photo Of Ship Commander Shooting Rifle With Backwards Scope  Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, the Commanding Officer of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG 56), was recently photographed shooting a 5.56×45mm M4 carbine with the optics installed backward.  The now-deleted...

Investing Lessons From Your Mother
10.04.2024, 19:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Investing Lessons From Your Mother Authored by Lance Roberts via, Your mother likely imparted valuable investing lessons you may not have known. With Mother’s Day approaching and bullish market exuberance present, such is an excellent time to revisit the investing lessons she taught me. Personally, when I was growing up, my...

Biometrische Identifizierung: Ist es das, wonach sich Russland sehnt?
10.04.2024, 14:58 Uhr. - https: - Riley Waggaman Niemand hat darum gebeten, aber wir bekommen es trotzdem Die Nationen der Welt wetteifern darum, wer seine Rinder am sichersten, freiwilligsten und bequemsten kennzeichnen kann. Währenddessen streiten sich die Rinder im Internet darüber, welcher Viehzüchter die beste und moralischste Kennzeichnung hat. “So geht das.” Ich...

Von Soros Open Society Foundation finanzierte Organisation will jetzt direkt Webseiten aus dem Netz verbannen.
10.04.2024, 12:32 Uhr. - https: - Die gemeinnützige Organisation EU DisinfoLab, die offiziell unabhängig ist, aber regelmäßig politische Empfehlungen an die EU und ihre Mitgliedsstaaten ausspricht, drängt nun darauf, dass eine von der ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) geschaffene Sicherheitsstruktur im “Krieg gegen Desinformation” eingesetzt...

Musk Says Starlink Will Be Free For Brazil Schools If Government Cancels Contract
09.04.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Musk Says Starlink Will Be Free For Brazil Schools If Government Cancels Contract Authored by Stephen Katte via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has said he will provide Starlink services free of charge for schools in Brazil if the government chooses to follow through and cancel a contract for the service in the country. Many schools...

Working From Home "Here To Stay": Here's The Best States To Live When You Can Avoid The Office
09.04.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Working From Home "Here To Stay": Here's The Best States To Live When You Can Avoid The Office During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies transitioned to a work-from-home model to maintain operations, a practice many have continued, according to WalletHub, who recently studied work from home trends. From October 2023 to January 2024, over...

Der fehlende Aufbruch
09.04.2024, 00:08 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Mit einem «Manifest für einen neuen öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk in Deutschland» haben sich am Mittwoch Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von ARD, ZDF und Deutschlandradio sowie eine ganze Reihe von Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern zu Wort gemeldet. Sie sorgen damit für Aufsehen und Debatten. Als Journalist und Mediennutzer teile ich viele...

Jamie Dimon Warns World Faces "Risks That Eclipse Anything Since World War II"
08.04.2024, 20:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jamie Dimon Warns World Faces "Risks That Eclipse Anything Since World War II" Perhaps the world's most influential banker - JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon - warned the world in his annual letter to shareholders that while he expects US economic resilience (and higher inflation and interest rates), and is optimistic about transformational opportunities...

Neueste    Heute    24.04.2024    23.04.2024    + Doppelte News