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Neueste    Heute    15.04.2024    14.04.2024    + Doppelte News  

Die Vereinigte Front gegen China
16.04.2024, 23:16 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Berlin entsendet mehr als 30 Militärflugzeuge und zwei Kriegsschiffe zu Manövern in die Asien-Pazifik-Region, verstärkt parallel zum Aufmarsch gegen Russland seine Beteiligung am Aufmarsch gegen China.Die Bundeswehr weitet ihr „Indo-Pacific Deployment“ aus und entsendet dieses Jahr fast drei Dutzend Militärflugzeuge sowie zwei Kriegsschiffe...

This Unhappy Global Dynamic Will Lead Markets And Market Analysis For Years To Come
16.04.2024, 17:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - This Unhappy Global Dynamic Will Lead Markets And Market Analysis For Years To Come By Michael Every of Rabobank Non Ducor, Duco Who/what leads and who/what is led? That’s the question you should be asking yourself again today - even as most in markets think what they are paid to look at leads all rather than accept that life has (changeable) hierarchies...

Im kommenden Herbst soll eine neue Injektion eingeführt werden, „die noch intensiver ist als alles, was wir bisher hatten“.
16.04.2024, 16:36 Uhr. - https: - Die Pandemie wurde von der WHO unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen ausgerufen, um möglichst viele Menschen zu impfen. Dies sagte Professor Emeritus Masayasu Inoue von der Osaka City University in Japan bei einer Pressekonferenz in Genf, Schweiz, zum Thema Menschenrechte und COVID-19. Die Regierung und die Medien seien dafür verantwortlich, dass...

Central Banks Are Wrong About Rate-Cuts
16.04.2024, 13:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Central Banks Are Wrong About Rate-Cuts Authored by Daniel Lacalle, When we talk about monetary policy, people do not understand the importance of interest rates reflecting the reality of inflation and risk. Interest rates are the price of risk and manipulating them down leads to bubbles that end in financial crises, while imposing too high rates can...

Washingtons politische Vereinnahmung der Philippinen: Eine ehemalige Kolonie, ein zukünftiger Stellvertreter
16.04.2024, 12:56 Uhr. - https: - Von Brian Berletic Die Spannungen im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum und insbesondere im Südchinesischen Meer, wo sich China mit den Vereinigten Staaten und ihren regionalen Verbündeten, darunter Japan und Australien, konfrontiert sieht, nehmen weiter zu. Während die USA behaupten, diese wachsenden Spannungen seien auf Chinas Wunsch zurückzuführen,...

A Heretic's View: Blaming Food For Obesity Is Like Blaming Water For Drowning
16.04.2024, 04:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Heretic's View: Blaming Food For Obesity Is Like Blaming Water For Drowning Authored by Edward Archer via RealClearScience, There is a politically expedient but problematic fiction that ‘consensus’ matters in science. Since a million matching opinions do not constitute a fact, a consensus — either real or apparent — is not a statement about...

It's Not Just The Middle East: Here Are The Main Events This Busy Week
15.04.2024, 18:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's Not Just The Middle East: Here Are The Main Events This Busy Week While back on Friday the market's attention was mostly on the start of earnings season, this weekend's events have quickly shift focus and looking forward, the important question now is how Israel might respond to the (scripted) war between Iran and Israel, and whether it could lead...

John Campbell gibt einen guten Überblick basierend auf den Daten aus Japan, wie die “Impfung” krebserregend und krebsfördernd ist
14.04.2024, 23:08 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - (Sicherungskopie)Siehe zum Thema auch Die “Impfung” macht Krebs: «Erhöhte altersbereinigte Krebssterblichkeit nach der dritten mRNA-Lipid-Nanopartikel-“Impfstoff”-Dosis während der COVID-19-Pandemie in Japan»....

Massive Proteste in Japan gegen WHO und Folgen der Covid-Impfkampagne
14.04.2024, 13:39 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Zehntausende Menschen demonstrierten am 13. April 2024 in Japan gegen die Weltgesundheitsorganisation und die Machtergreifung der WHO und ihrer Oligarchen-Hintermänner durch die vorgeschlagenen Verträge und Vertragsänderungen. Der Tag wird in die Annalen der modernen japanischen Geschichte eingehen, als Zehntausende von Bürgern im ganzen Land zu...

Bericht über Iran diesmal nicht aus Japan, sondern aus der Türkei. Reporter Rosch weiss allerdings auch nur das, was im Fernsehen kommt, und da kommt bekanntlich nur Staatspropaganda. Den Rest muss
14.04.2024, 12:10 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Da überlege ich mir, was eigentlich ein mutmasslicher Angriff ist. Aber vermutlich ist es besser, nicht weiter über diese Art, äh, “Journalismus” nachzudenken....

Japan: Öffentliche Proteste gegen den geplanten WHO-Pandemievertrag
13.04.2024, 15:28 Uhr. Transition News - https: - «Der 13. April 2024 wird in die Annalen der modernen japanischen Geschichte eingehen», schreibt das Portal Aussie17 und berichtet, dass es im ganzen Land eine Reihe von Kundgebungen gegen den geplanten WHO-Pandemievertrag und die Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsregeln (IGV) gegeben habe. Zudem seien die Demonstranten besorgt darüber, dass...

Japan's Kishida Slams China In Address To Congress
12.04.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Japan's Kishida Slams China In Address To Congress Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida delivered an address to Congress on Thursday and declared China the "greatest strategic challenge" facing the world. "Close coordination between Japan and the US is required more than ever to ensure that deterrence that...

China Exports Collapse, Prompting Yuan Devaluation Fears
12.04.2024, 19:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Exports Collapse, Prompting Yuan Devaluation Fears China’s export growth tumbled in March compared to last year, sparking questions about a possible yuan devaluation at a time when China's biggest mercantilist competitor in Asia - Japan - has intentionally cratered its currency.  Chinese Exports declined by 7.5% from a year earlier in March...

Japan will selbstreplizierende srRNA-Impfung für Verwendung ab Herbst zulassen
12.04.2024, 06:35 Uhr. - https: - Der emeritierte Prof Masayasu Inoue der Osaka University Medical School warnt dringend vor der nächsten Generation genetisch modifzierter modRNA-Präparate, die schon ab diesem Herbst und Winter für Impfkampagnen freigegeben werden sollen. „Die Pandemie wurde von der WHO als falscher Vorwand benutzt, um alle Menschen auf der Welt zu impfen." Er...

The Question Looming Over Biden’s White House Summit: Where Are the Exit Ramps?
11.04.2024, 18:40 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - As the leaders of Japan and the Philippines present a united front with America, China is getting stronger, too....

Spring, Summers, Nuclear Fall(out), Or Winter?
11.04.2024, 18:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Spring, Summers, Nuclear Fall(out), Or Winter? By Michael Every of Rabobank Yesterday’s US CPI was radioactive. Headline and core were both 0.4% m-o-m, and 3.5% and 3.8% y-o-y. Energy prices were higher, which is bad. Shelter inflation was stuck at 5.7%, which is worse. But worst of all, services excluding shelter were 0.8% m-o-m and 4.8% y-o-y. In...

Japan warnt: KI könnte zum Zusammenbruch der Gesellschaftsordnung führen
11.04.2024, 07:36 Uhr. - https: - Die Folge: Krieg und das Ende der Demokratie. Zwei führende japanische Unternehmen haben davor gewarnt, dass Künstliche Intelligenz zu einem totalen Zusammenbruch der Gesellschaftsordnung führen könnte, wenn sie nicht rasch unter Kontrolle gebracht wird. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) und Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings, das größte Telekommunikationsunternehmen...

Biden-Kishida Summit Secures New Defense Cooperation
11.04.2024, 01:02 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The United States and Japan aim to counter Beijing’s influence in the South China Sea....

'All Bets Are Off' - Market-Mayhem After Consumer Prices Crush Dovish-Dreams
10.04.2024, 22:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'All Bets Are Off' - Market-Mayhem After Consumer Prices Crush Dovish-Dreams Borrowing a phrase from one of our favorite movies "all bets are off" after this morning's hot-hot-hot CPI print The fourth hotter-than-expected core inflation report in a row got investors reevaluating expectations around the Fed's first rate cut... Source: Bloomberg Goldman's...

China's Xi Meets With Russian Foreign Minister In Show Of Solidarity Against West
10.04.2024, 17:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China's Xi Meets With Russian Foreign Minister In Show Of Solidarity Against West Authored by Dorothy Li via The Epoch Times, Chinese communist regime leader Xi Jinping met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Beijing on Tuesday, reaffirming solidarity amid growing pressure from the West. Mr. Lavrov arrived in China on April 8 for a two-day...

Futures On Edge Ahead Of Critical CPI Report
10.04.2024, 14:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures On Edge Ahead Of Critical CPI Report Futures are up small before the March CPI data was expected to show further moderation in price pressures following stronger readings at the start of the year, with Mag7 mixed and Semis lower, tracking bigger gains in Europe. Bond yields are uniformly 1bps lower, USD is off a touch, and commodities are mostly...

Japan Warns AI Could Cause Total Collapse Of The Social Order
10.04.2024, 04:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Japan Warns AI Could Cause Total Collapse Of The Social Order Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Two top Japanese companies have warned that artificial intelligence could cause a total collapse of the social order if it is not rapidly reigned in. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) and Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings, the country’s...

Trafigura Gets Bullish On Power Markets As Wall Street Joins The 'Next Big Trade'
09.04.2024, 19:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trafigura Gets Bullish On Power Markets As Wall Street Joins The 'Next Big Trade' It's becoming increasingly clear that cutting-edge chatbot providers and other AI and hyper-scaler businesses will require energy-intensive data centers to operate. This places a significant burden on an outdated electrical grid that desperately needs modernization. ...

One More Hot CPI Print Could Prove Existential Difference Between “Being And Nothingness” For Traders
09.04.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - One More Hot CPI Print Could Prove Existential Difference Between “Being And Nothingness” For Traders By Michael Every of Rabobank Being and Nothingness With a solar eclipse as the epic backdrop, and 10-year US Treasury yields over 4.40% and testing towards 4.50% despite (or because of?) pledged Fed rate cuts, markets are focused on US CPI tomorrow...

Das richten die Vakzine im Körper an: Explosion von Krebs-Todesfällen nach mRNA-Impfungen
09.04.2024, 15:30 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Wissenschaftler analysierten im Rahmen einer aktuellen begutachteten Studie die Sterblichkeitsraten durch Krebserkrankungen in den Corona-Jahren in Japan: Während 2020 kein Anstieg feststellbar war, nahm die Sterblichkeit 2021 und 2022 nach den Massenimpfungen deutlich zu - insbesondere nach den sogenannten Boostern. Vor allem die schädliche Wirkung...

Erhöhte altersbereinigte Krebssterblichkeit nach der dritten mRNA-Lipid-Nanopartikel-“Impfstoff”-Dosis während der COVID-19-Pandemie in Japan
09.04.2024, 15:20 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - During the COVID-19 pandemic, excess deaths including cancer have become a concern in Japan, which has a rapidly aging population. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate how age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) for different types of cancer in Japan changed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022). Official statistics from Japan were used to compare observed...

Futures Flat In Cautious Trade Ahead Of CPI As Gold Roars To New Record High
09.04.2024, 14:17 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Flat In Cautious Trade Ahead Of CPI As Gold Roars To New Record High US equity futures are trading in a narrow range, swinging between gains and losses as bonds climbed, clawing back some of Monday’s slump which sent yields to the highest since last November in the buildup to US CPI print tomorrow that is crucial to the Fed's decision when...

Japan beginnt eine Ära der “Masseneinwanderung” aus dem Ausland
09.04.2024, 07:36 Uhr. - https: - Von Tyler Durden Verfasst von Paul Joseph Watson über, Japan scheint von einer homogenen Gesellschaft zu einer “Vielfalt und Inklusivität” überzugehen, indem es “eine Ära der massenhaften ausländischen Einwanderung” einläutet. Für ein Land, das dem CIA World Factbook zufolge bis vor kurzem noch zu 97,5 %...

Raketenstarts und KI-Desinformation stehen auf der Tagesordnung des bevorstehenden USA-Japan-Gipfels
09.04.2024, 00:03 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Ein japanischer Weltraumbahnhof für den Start US-amerikanischer Raketen sowie die Bekämpfung von «Desinformation» durch künstliche Intelligenz gehören zu den Themen, die im Rahmen des bilateralen Gipfeltreffens zwischen Premierminister Fumio Kishida und Präsident Joe Biden am Mittwoch in Washington erörtert werden sollen. Dies meldet das Wirtschaftsportal...

Yields To Stay Elevated As Inflation Emboldens Short Bond Trade
08.04.2024, 18:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Yields To Stay Elevated As Inflation Emboldens Short Bond Trade Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Rising inflation is likely to push more traders to go outright short on US Treasuries, supporting yields. The inflation tide is turning. Disinflation has stalled in the US, core inflation in Japan is stuck at more than 30-year highs,...

Key Events This Week: CPI, FOMC Minutes, Q1 Earnings Kick Off And Fed Speakers Galore
08.04.2024, 15:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Key Events This Week: CPI, FOMC Minutes, Q1 Earnings Kick Off And Fed Speakers Galore As DB's Henry Allen writes, markets had a rough start to Q2 last week, with the S&P 500 (-0.95%) posting its worst weekly performance in 3 months, whilst the US 30yr yield (+21.0bps) saw its biggest weekly rise since October, with yields extending gains again this...

Futures Flat As 10Y Yield Jumps To 2024 High, Bitcoin Back At Record
08.04.2024, 14:34 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Flat As 10Y Yield Jumps To 2024 High, Bitcoin Back At Record US equity futures are flat, trading around 5,252, having rebounded from session lows even as 10Y yields extend their ascent and the USD strengthens as traders further pare expectations for interest-rate cuts in the face of resilient readings on the US economy. As of 8:00am, S&P and...

What Is Driving Gold To All-Time Highs?
08.04.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Is Driving Gold To All-Time Highs? Submitted by BullionStar/Jesse Colombo After more than three years of stagnation, gold has awakened with a vengeance since early-March and has promptly surged by nearly $300 an ounce or 14% to an all-time high $2,330 — a sharp move for a safe-haven asset that has a reputation for its slow and steady trends....

Japan beginnt «Ära der Massenzuwanderung»
08.04.2024, 00:02 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Japan scheine den Übergang von einer homogenen Gesellschaft hin zu «Vielfalt und Inklusivität» zu vollziehen, indem es eine «Ära der Masseneinwanderung aus dem Ausland» einläute. Das ist die Einschätzung des Magazins Modernity. Für ein Land, das dem CIA World Factbook zufolge bis vor kurzem noch zu 97,5 Prozent aus ethnischen Japanern bestand...

Goldman Offers "Burst Of Bullish Coverage" On Soaring Uranium Stocks
07.04.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Goldman Offers "Burst Of Bullish Coverage" On Soaring Uranium Stocks As we have been harping on for the last couple of years, uranium stocks - at the center of the thesis for the very common sense solution of nuclear power - are continuing their long awaited ascent.  As Bloomberg noted last week, the sector has experienced a significant boost, with...

„Demokratie“ ist, wenn eine Mehrheit gegen die Regierung ist
07.04.2024, 14:27 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Die New York Times hat eine Umfrage veröffentlicht, in der die Beliebtheit von Regierungschefs verglichen wurde. Scholz kommt dabei mit 73 Prozent Ablehnung bei nur 22 Prozent Zustimmung auf den drittletzten Platz der Liste. Unbeliebtert sind nur noch die Regierungschefs von Tschechien und Japan mit jeweils 17 Prozent Zustimmung. Einige deutsche Medien...

Swiss To Hold Referendum That Will Restrict Population To 10 Million Until 2050
07.04.2024, 14:12 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Swiss To Hold Referendum That Will Restrict Population To 10 Million Until 2050 Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, In a move intended to restrict mass migration, Switzerland will hold a referendum to restrict their population to 10 million until 2050. The vote will take place after the populist Swiss People’s Party (UDC) harvested...

Japan will auf Massenzuwanderung setzen
07.04.2024, 07:56 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Japan besitzt seit Urzeiten eine recht geschlossene, homogene Gesellschaft. Das soll sich nun ändern weil es nicht mehr genügend Nachwuchs gibt. Tokio setzt dabei vor allem auf Arbeitsmigranten und deren Familien, während man in Sachen Asyl weiterhin strikt bleiben will....

Japan To Embark On An Era Of "Mass Foreign Immigration"
06.04.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Japan To Embark On An Era Of "Mass Foreign Immigration" Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Japan appears to be transitioning from a homogenous society to embrace ‘diversity and inclusivity’ by ushering in “an era of mass foreign immigration.” It’s set to be a massive change for a country that was still up until recently 97...

Futures Rebound As Oil Remains Above $90; All Eyes On Payrolls
05.04.2024, 14:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rebound As Oil Remains Above $90; All Eyes On Payrolls US futures rebounded from yesterday's late day rout even as European stocks slumped the most in almost two months and Asian markets tumbled the most in a month, tracking Thursday's broad market retreat as oil prices held near five-month highs above $90 and investors braced for today's...

Droht eine neue PostVac-Pandemie durch verunreinigte Blutkonserven?
04.04.2024, 23:09 Uhr. - https: - Forscher aus Japan schlagen Alarm. Spike-Protein und Lipid-Nanopartikel können nicht nur bei Impflingen zu Langzeitschäden führen. Auch für die Empfänger von Blutprodukten aller Art droht demnach eine bisher unterschätzte Gefahr. Von Kai Rebmann. Der Beitrag Droht eine neue PostVac-Pandemie durch verunreinigte Blutkonserven? erschien zuerst auf...

Futures Rebound After Powell Reassures On Rate Cuts
04.04.2024, 14:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rebound After Powell Reassures On Rate Cuts US equity futures are higher with both Tech and small-caps outperforming, while the dollar is lower even as yields are higher from Wednesday's close. As of 7:50am, S&P futures were 0.3% higher and Nasdaq futs rose 0.4%, boosted by Powell’s comments that recent inflation figures did not “materially...

These Are The World's Most-Populated Islands?
04.04.2024, 01:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Are The World's Most-Populated Islands? The word “island” tends to bring up images of remote paradise - a brisk sea breeze, waving palms, and inviting beaches, all ingredients for an idyllic life. However, they can also be hubs for human activity, home to 730 million people, or about 9% of the world’s population. This chart, by creator Perrin...

Japan's Lost Decades: Are We On The Same Path
03.04.2024, 15:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Japan's Lost Decades: Are We On The Same Path Authored by Michael Lebowitz via, Back in 1989, Japan was taking over the world. The country’s economy had grown 6.7% in 1988. Sony had just bought Columbia Pictures, one of the largest Hollywood studios, for $3.45 billion. Japanese property company Mitsubishi Estate took control...

Futures Drop As Rates Continue Rising With Brent Back To $90
03.04.2024, 14:19 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Drop As Rates Continue Rising With Brent Back To $90 US futures are down small with Tech underperforming and small-caps flat, as rates held at 4 month highs, and Brent is about to rise above $90. As of 8:00am, both S&P and Nasdaq futures are down -0.2%, with yields higher pre-market ahead of Powell’s 12.10pm ET speech; despite his dovish...

Michigan Congressman Under Fire For Suggesting 'Hiroshima & Nagasaki' Solution For Gaza
03.04.2024, 03:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Michigan Congressman Under Fire For Suggesting 'Hiroshima & Nagasaki' Solution For Gaza Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Michigan) has come under fire for saying Gaza should be handled like "Hiroshima and Nagasaki," suggesting that he was calling for a nuclear bomb to be dropped on the Strip, which could kill millions of...

Multiple Buildings Collapse After Taiwan Shaken By Pair Of Powerful Earthquakes, Tsunami Warning Issued
03.04.2024, 03:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Multiple Buildings Collapse After Taiwan Shaken By Pair Of Powerful Earthquakes, Tsunami Warning Issued A powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 followed by a smaller quake with a magnitude of 6.5 struck off Taiwan’s eastern coast Wednesday, according to the US Geological Survey, prompting tsunami warnings in southern Japan. The first quake,...

With 'Friends' Like Mexico's Obrador, Who Needs Enemies Like Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, & The Ayatollahs?
02.04.2024, 00:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - With 'Friends' Like Mexico's Obrador, Who Needs Enemies Like Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, & The Ayatollahs? Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, In a recent 60 Minutes interview, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador - who prefers to be known as AMLO for short - issued to the Biden administration blackmail demands that sounded...

US, Japan & Philippines To Launch Joint Patrols In South China Sea Amid Beijing Tensions
02.04.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US, Japan & Philippines To Launch Joint Patrols In South China Sea Amid Beijing Tensions The US, Japan, and the Philippines have inked an agreement to launch joint naval patrols in the South China Sea later this year in what's being seen as a major initiative to counter China in the region, and as Chinese and Philippine coast guard boats have recently...

Deep State Good, Total Surveillance State Even Better
30.03.2024, 15:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Deep State Good, Total Surveillance State Even Better Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, So the Deep State is good, but the Total Surveillance State is even better. The Deep State and The Total Surveillance State are viewed unfavorably for self-evident reasons: the unelected Deep State is anathema to democracy and the Total Surveillance...

Neueste    Heute    15.04.2024    14.04.2024    + Doppelte News