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Neueste    Heute    26.07.2024    25.07.2024    + Doppelte News  

Saving Our Democracy...
26.07.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Saving Our Democracy... Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “Being insane is the new normal.” - Aimee Terese on “X” However it happened this week, “Joe Biden” passed the blowtorch to a new generation and got himself gone from the political battlefield. Delegates to the coming Democratic National Convention (August 19) were...

How The African Country Niger Kicked Out US Military
26.07.2024, 11:34 Uhr. GreatGameInternational - https: - For over a decade, nearly 1,000 U.S. troops were stationed in Niger as part of a counterterrorism partnership. This abruptly ended on March 16, when Niger’s ruling junta expelled the U.S. military, claiming the agreement violated their constitution. Days later, a Pentagon official misled Congress about the situation, prompting an investigation...

Pentagon's New Arctic Strategy Aims To Counter China–Russia Partnership
25.07.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pentagon's New Arctic Strategy Aims To Counter China–Russia Partnership Authored by Andrew Thornebrooke via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Pentagon leadership is unveiling its latest strategy for the Arctic region as competition for geopolitical advantage heats up with China and Russia. The Russian "50 Years of Victory" nuclear-powered icebreaker...

Department Of Defense To Give Troops 'Economic Hardship' Bonus Of $20 Per Month
23.07.2024, 17:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Department Of Defense To Give Troops 'Economic Hardship' Bonus Of $20 Per Month Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, The Biden Administration’s Department of Defense (DOD) has announced that it will begin handing out “economic hardship bonuses” to members of the military, amounting to a mere $20 every month. As reported by the Daily...

What Does the Pentagon Really Say About Russian Air Defenses?
23.07.2024, 17:30 Uhr. Global Research - https: - The former Soviet Union placed a significant emphasis on air defenses as part of its military doctrine. Moscow’s top brass never counted on fighting a war with absolute air superiority, as is the case in the political West, particularly … The post What Does the Pentagon Really Say About Russian Air Defenses? appeared first on Global Research...

Mišel Čosudovski o NATO samitu u Vašingtonu: Pentagonov rat protiv saveznika
23.07.2024, 09:49 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Pentagon nije briga za vidljivi ekonomski pad saveznika, sami su taj sunovrat omogućili kroz prekide tokova jeftinih energenata za privrede “saveznika” i kroz sankcije kojih se SAD naravno ne pridržavaju, kaže profesor ekonomije (emeritus) na Univerzitetu u Otavi, osnivač i … The post Mišel Čosudovski o NATO samitu u Vašingtonu:...

A Decade Of Conspiracists?
23.07.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Decade Of Conspiracists? Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, Who has most peddled conspiracy allegations the last nine years—all of them false and nearly all of them influencing national elections and public policies? Once a target is constructed as Hitlerian, almost any means necessary to quash that perceived existential threat...

«Der Mann hinter J.D. Vance: Es ist schlimmer als Sie denken»
23.07.2024, 00:08 Uhr. Transition News - https: - J.D. Vance sei zwar selbst nicht unumstritten, doch seine enge Verbindung zu dem Milliardär Peter Thiel, der in einer neuen Trump-Regierung einen noch nie dagewesenen Einfluss haben würde, sollte jeden US-Bürger, dem Freiheit, Privatsphäre und die Eindämmung des Überwachungsstaats am Herzen liegen, zutiefst beunruhigen. So beginnt die Journalistin...

US Subsidiary Of Chinese EV Manufacturer BYD Donated Hundreds Of Thousands To Democrats
22.07.2024, 20:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Subsidiary Of Chinese EV Manufacturer BYD Donated Hundreds Of Thousands To Democrats Well you can add this to a list of reasons Democrats just can't seem to stomach Elon Musk any more. The U.S. subsidiary of Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer BYD and its top executive, Stella Li, have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates...

VDH: Which Party Is 'Killing Democracy'?
21.07.2024, 21:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - VDH: Which Party Is 'Killing Democracy'? Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via X: Democracy Really Is Dying in Darkness - But by Whom? Never in modern presidential history has a political party staged a veritable inside coup to remove their current president from his ongoing candidacy for his party’s nomination and reelection. Stranger still, the very...

The Biden Titanic
21.07.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Biden Titanic Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, Joe Biden’s escalating dementia and the long media-political conspiracy to hide his senility from the public are the least of the Democrats’ current problems. Biden’s track record as president may be more concerning than his cognitive decline. He has literally destroyed...

President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination by the CIA
20.07.2024, 09:53 Uhr. Global Research - https: - From the day he was sworn in as President, JFK was relentlessly pressured by the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and by many of his own advisers to wage war – clandestine, conventional, and nuclear. The post President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination by the CIA appeared first on Global Research....

Senator Blasts "National Embarrassment" As Biden Ends Gaza Floating Pier Mission
19.07.2024, 21:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Senator Blasts "National Embarrassment" As Biden Ends Gaza Floating Pier Mission It's official: Biden's $230+ Gaza humanitarian pier has been permanently dismantled after it spent more time out of commission than in actual operation. The Pentagon has tried to pass it off dubiously as 'mission accomplished' - despite an avalanche of criticism including...

Video: NATO Member States are under the Command of the Pentagon. NATO-Exit. Michel Chossudovsky
18.07.2024, 16:34 Uhr. Global Research - https: - This interview was recorded a week prior to the NATO Summit. It was intended to be published prior to the NATO Summit.  Due to temporary technical problems affecting the Studio of Lux Media, the programme was not recorded in the … The post Video: NATO Member States are under the Command of the Pentagon. NATO-Exit. Michel Chossudovsky appeared...

Russia Initiates Call With Pentagon After NATO Offered Ukraine 'Irreversible' Membership Path
13.07.2024, 18:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Initiates Call With Pentagon After NATO Offered Ukraine 'Irreversible' Membership Path In a rare positive development, the heads of the US and Russian militaries have held a rare phone call in an effort to deescalate tensions. But Moscow is livid at certain recent developments and pledges from the West. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday...

«Europäische Politik und Medien: Gekauft, erpresst, bedroht oder hirnlos?»
12.07.2024, 07:29 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Vor Jahren war ich im Pentagon im Büro eines sehr hohen Beamten, dem ein wichtiger Termin angeboten wurde. Ich nutzte die Gelegenheit, um eine Frage zu stellen, die mich schon lange beschäftigte. Wie, so fragte ich, gelingt es Washington, ausländische Regierungen dazu zu bringen, Washingtons Interessen auf Kosten ihrer eigenen Länder zu unterstützen...

Biden's Costliest Publicity Stunt To Be Dismantled Permanently
10.07.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden's Costliest Publicity Stunt To Be Dismantled Permanently The Pentagon's Gaza humanitarian pier project, which has been troubled from day one and spent more time out of commission than it's actually been in operation, will soon be scrapped altogether, the Associated Press reports Tuesday. The report says this is the 'final blow' for the pier after...

Wikileaks: die beschämende Fortsetzung der Verfolgungsjagd
06.07.2024, 06:59 Uhr. GlobalBridge - https: - Als Julian Assange nach 14 Jahren erstmals als freier Mensch wieder australischen Boden betritt, nehmen der Zürcher «Tagesanzeiger» und die «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» die Verleumdungskampagne gegen den Wikileaks-Gründer wieder auf.  Um zu verstehen, was hier passiert, kann ein Rückblick helfen. 1971 wurden in den USA die Pentagon Papers publik...

10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching
05.07.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching Authored by Michael Snyder via, Are we on the verge of an apocalyptic global war in which billions of people could die?  Very few people anticipated that World War I would erupt, but it happened anyway.  And very few people anticipated that World War II would erupt, but it happened...

The West, Indubitably, Has Lost Russia, And Is Losing Eurasia Too...
05.07.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The West, Indubitably, Has Lost Russia, And Is Losing Eurasia Too... Submitted by Alastair Crooke, Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project? There perhaps was a momentary shrugging-off of slumber in Washington this week as they read the account of Sergei...

Alaska's Strategic Importance To U.S. Security
04.07.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Alaska's Strategic Importance To U.S. Security Authored by Seth Cropsey via RealClearDefense, From grave deficiencies in strategic lift and defense industrial base to submarine repair inadequacies, Yorktown Institute continues to highlight shortfalls in the enabling elements on which the continued global supremacy of the U.S. military depends. This...

Putin & Erdogan Discuss Syria Rapprochement To Squeeze Out Pentagon Occupation
04.07.2024, 20:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin & Erdogan Discuss Syria Rapprochement To Squeeze Out Pentagon Occupation During the ongoing Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) annual summit which is being held in Kazakhstan's capital of Astana, Russia's Putin and Turkey's Erdogan publicly broached the subject of a potential Turkey rapprochement with the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad...

Trump's Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented
04.07.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump's Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented Authored by Andrew Korybko via substack, Politico published a piece on Tuesday about how “Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging”, which cites some on-the-record and unnamed sources to describe his approach towards the bloc if he’s re-elected. It’s based upon a policy brief that...

Explosion Rocks General Dynamics' Hellfire & Javelin Missile Factory In Arkansas
04.07.2024, 00:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Explosion Rocks General Dynamics' Hellfire & Javelin Missile Factory In Arkansas An early Wednesday morning explosion rocked the General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems facility in Camden, Arkansas, injuring at least two people and leaving one person missing. Local media outlet Camden News quoted General Dynamics in a statement as saying: ...

Ex-Pentagon-Berater: Medien verschweigen katastrophalen Verlauf des Ukraine-Konflikts
03.07.2024, 17:15 Uhr. - https: - Theodore Postol, ehemaliger Berater des Pentagon: “Wir haben einfach beschlossen, die Russen bei der ersten Gelegenheit zu provozieren, und das kann man nicht als geschickte Diplomatie bezeichnen. Wir haben hier einen Krieg, den wir gewinnen wollen. Wir gewinnen ihn übrigens nicht, wir verlieren ihn auf die katastrophalste Weise, und die amerikanische...

Trumps NATO-Pläne werden bereits umgesetzt
03.07.2024, 12:47 Uhr. - https: - Obwohl die Biden-Administration von liberal-imperialistischen „Globalisten“ kontrolliert wird, die der Meinung sind, dass die USA die EU weiterhin als Belohnung für ihre ideologische Ausrichtung ausnutzen sollten, haben militärstrategische Erfordernisse gegenüber China das Pentagon bereits dazu veranlasst, Trumps Plan teilweise umzusetzen. Politico...

US Completes Hypersonic Missile Flight Test In Bid To Keep Up With China
03.07.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Completes Hypersonic Missile Flight Test In Bid To Keep Up With China Authored by Aldgra Fredly via The Epoch Times, The U.S. Army and Navy have recently completed a flight test of a hypersonic missile as the United States seeks to keep pace with its geopolitical rivals—China and Russia—in developing hypersonic capabilities. The military performed...

Lloyd Austin Unveils New $2.3BN Aid While Hosting Ukraine's Defense Chief
02.07.2024, 22:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lloyd Austin Unveils New $2.3BN Aid While Hosting Ukraine's Defense Chief We wrote in early June that the White House is planning to announce new Ukraine arms and funding packages about every two or three weeks, drawing from Biden's $60 billion in recently approved total funding. In mid-May there was a package unveiled at $275 million, followed...

Neue Videos am Dienstag
02.07.2024, 17:35 Uhr. - https: - Lassen Sie sich heute von einer breiten Palette neuer und fesselnder Videos begeistern, die nicht nur unterhalten, sondern auch Ihren Horizont erweitern werden. Von faszinierenden Dokumentationen bis hin zu aktuellen Nachrichten und informativen Clips ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei! Die finstere Agenda hinter der Transgender-Ideologie | www...

Russland schließt US-Biolabors in der Ukraine und das Pentagon verlegt sie nun stillschweigend in diese Länder
01.07.2024, 07:40 Uhr. - https: - Das russische Militär hat US-Biolabore in der Ukraine entdeckt und geschlossen, und nun behauptet der stellvertretende Duma-Vorsitzende Alexander Babakow, dass das Pentagon in Afrika weiterhin an biologischen Waffen forscht. Babakow betonte gegenüber russischen Medien, dass Afrika kein Testgelände für amerikanische Biolabore sei. Er kritisierte...

Pentagon Exposes Biden Lie That Troop Deaths Haven't Occurred Under His Watch
30.06.2024, 03:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pentagon Exposes Biden Lie That Troop Deaths Haven't Occurred Under His Watch The Pentagon is trying to run cover following Biden's Thursday night debate falsehood claiming that he is the "only" president this century who hasn't overseen American troop deaths "anywhere in the world". But journalists forced a belated response. Here's what Biden asserted...

Armeechef des Pentagon bestätigt militärischen Charakter von Zensur | Von Norbert Häring
29.06.2024, 14:58 Uhr. - https: - Ein Standpunkt von Norbert Häring. Der französische Armeechef hat eine offizielle Bestätigung der These geliefert, dass die um sich greifende Zensur und Meinungsmanipulation im Kern Teil der Bemühungen der Nato um Wahrung der psychologischen Kriegstüchtigkeit ist. Ein Bericht über eine Anti-Impf-Kampagne des US-Militärs zeigt, dass es beim Kampf...

US Readies To Evacuate Americans From Lebanon If War Erupts, Marines En Route
28.06.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Readies To Evacuate Americans From Lebanon If War Erupts, Marines En Route With Israel-Hezbollah tensions soaring and the US and European countries urging both sides against an all-out war, the US Embassy in Beirut has issued a new travel advisory warning American citizens to stay away from Lebanon. "We remind US citizens to strongly reconsider travel...

Biden Preparing To Approve Deployment Of US Military Contractors To Ukraine
27.06.2024, 21:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Preparing To Approve Deployment Of US Military Contractors To Ukraine In yet another widening of policy which marks escalation in Ukraine, the Biden administration is preparing to lift a de facto ban on allowing American military contractors to deploy inside Ukraine. Four US officials described to CNN that the fundamental purpose would be to help...

Court Threatens First Amendment Rights Of Tennessee Star Over Trans-Shooter Manifesto
27.06.2024, 19:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Court Threatens First Amendment Rights Of Tennessee Star Over Trans-Shooter Manifesto Authored by Charlie Tidmarsh via RealClearPolicy, The editor-in-chief and publisher of The Tennessee Star was ordered to appear in court last week and threatened with charges of contempt after his newspaper reported on an anonymously leaked collection of documents...

USA geben zu, dass Verbündete in Syrien Kindersoldaten einsetzen
27.06.2024, 06:52 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - The State Department has acknowledged that America’s top partner in Syria, the Kurdish-led “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF), is still using underage fighters after more than 10 years of similar allegations. The Pentagon continues to work closely with the group regardless, as US troops illegally occupy large swaths of territory in northeastern...

White House Warns Lebanon: US Can't Control Or Restrain Israel If Offensive Starts
27.06.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Warns Lebanon: US Can't Control Or Restrain Israel If Offensive Starts Among the more interesting positions which the Biden White House has recently articulated to Arab allies in the Middle East is that the Untied States cannot restrain Israel if it decides to launch new offensives, namely against Lebanon. Axios has revealed that during...

North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says
27.06.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says Following on the heels of Putin's visit to Pyongyang last week where he inked a strategic defense cooperation agreement with Kim Jong Un, North Korea is reportedly sending a contingency of troops to assist in Russia's military operations in Ukraine. South Korea's TV Chosun...

Austin & Russia's New Defense Chief Speak For 1st Time After Crimea Beach Attack
27.06.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Austin & Russia's New Defense Chief Speak For 1st Time After Crimea Beach Attack In a rare moment which appears a somewhat positive development (or at least it's not more immediate escalation), the US and Russian defense chiefs spoke by phone Tuesday for the first time since March 2023. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin initiated the call, and the...

US Admits Allies In Syria Using Child Soldiers
27.06.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Admits Allies In Syria Using Child Soldiers Authored by Will Porter via The Libertarian Institute, The State Department has acknowledged that America’s top partner in Syria, the Kurdish-led "Syrian Democratic Forces" (SDF), is still using underage fighters after more than 10 years of similar allegations. The Pentagon continues to work closely with...

Armeechef und Anti-Impf-Kampagne des Pentagon bestätigen militärischen Charakter von Zensur und Meinungsmanipulation
25.06.2024, 14:03 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Der französische Armeechef hat eine offizielle Bestätigung der These geliefert, dass die um sich greifende Zensur und Meinungsmanipulation im Kern Teil der Bemühungen der Nato um Wahrung der psychologischen Kriegstüchtigkeit ist. Ein Bericht über eine Anti-Impf-Kampagne des US-Militärs zeigt, dass es beim Kampf gegen angebliche Desinformation...

US Lawmaker Condemns Attack On Crimea Beach With American Weapons
25.06.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Lawmaker Condemns Attack On Crimea Beach With American Weapons The Kremlin on Monday called the Sunday strike from Ukraine on a crowded Sevastopol beach "barbaric" and accused the US of "killing Russian children" - given that ATACMS missiles were allegedly used. The attack killed four people, including two children, and injured over 150 more. Foreign...

US Withdraws Aircraft Carrier Eisenhower From Red Sea Amid Stepped-Up Houthi Attacks
23.06.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Withdraws Aircraft Carrier Eisenhower From Red Sea Amid Stepped-Up Houthi Attacks In perhaps another sign that the US-led 'Operation Prosperity Guardian' is not going well (as it has not actually put a stop to the constant Houthi attacks on international vessels), Pentagon leaders have ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to return home.  The carrier...

US-Built Gaza Pier To Be Dismantled Early Amid Ongoing Failures
23.06.2024, 00:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US-Built Gaza Pier To Be Dismantled Early Amid Ongoing Failures Following the latest weather and choppy seas setback, the US-built aid pier off Gaza has resumed operations as of the end of this week (Thursday), the Pentagon said, after it broke apart last month. It's been an on-again off-again situation and the controversial and costly pier project...

Washington Approves Another $360 Million Arms Sale To Taiwan
22.06.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Washington Approves Another $360 Million Arms Sale To Taiwan Authored by Connor Freeman via, The State Department said earlier this week that it has green-lit a $360 million arms sale to Taipei, including hundreds of armed drones, missile equipment, and other support material. China views Taiwan as part of its territory, and while it prefers...

Putin Issues Ominous Nuclear Triad Expansion Warning
22.06.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Issues Ominous Nuclear Triad Expansion Warning Russian President Vladimir Putin has wrapped up his Asia tour which included stops in North Korea and Vietnam. He had inked dozens of agreements with both countries, but most notable was the defense pact with Kim Jong Un, which we previously detailed.  On the geopolitical and security ties front...

How The US Spent A Billion Dollars Fighting The Houthis…And Lost
21.06.2024, 19:46 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Last December, the Pentagon launched Operation Prosperity Guardian, a joint US/UK mission to secure Red Sea shipping from Yemeni Houthi disruption. Despite spending over a billion dollars, the mission failed. Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed “Operation Prosperity...

We Spent A Billion Dollars Fighting The Houthis... And Lost
21.06.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - We Spent A Billion Dollars Fighting The Houthis... And Lost Authored by Ron Paul, Why does it seem the Pentagon is far better at spending money than actually putting together a successful operation? The failed “Operation Prosperity Guardian” and the disastrous floating Gaza pier are but two recent examples of enormously expensive initiatives that...

Wir haben eine Milliarde Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Houthis ausgegeben… und verloren
20.06.2024, 12:25 Uhr. - https: - Ron Paul Warum ist das Pentagon anscheinend viel besser darin, Geld auszugeben, als eine erfolgreiche Operation zu organisieren? Die gescheiterte “Operation Prosperity Guardian” und der katastrophale schwimmende Gaza-Pier sind nur zwei Beispiele aus jüngster Zeit für enorm teure Initiativen, die zwar zweifellos die militärischen Auftragnehmer...

Neueste    Heute    26.07.2024    25.07.2024    + Doppelte News