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Neueste    Heute    19.04.2024    18.04.2024    + Doppelte News  

JPMorgan Fined $348 Million For Failing To Monitor "Billions" In Trades
14.03.2024, 18:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - JPMorgan Fined $348 Million For Failing To Monitor "Billions" In Trades America's most officially corrupt and criminal bank - at least according to the Violation Tracker database which shows that its total penalties since 2020 amount to just shy of $40 billion... ...  JPMorgan Chase, has just added another notch to its criminal track record when it...

Why "They" Are Still Running Nikki Haley
04.03.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why "They" Are Still Running Nikki Haley Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, “She’s so transparently weak and sort of ridiculous and doesn’t know anything, and just thinks that jumping up and down and making these absurd blanket statements, and repeating bumper stickers, is just like leadership. A self-confident advanced society...

SEC Idiots Deliberately Turned Off Multi-Factor Authentication Ahead Of Most Humiliating Hack In Agency's History
22.01.2024, 23:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - SEC Idiots Deliberately Turned Off Multi-Factor Authentication Ahead Of Most Humiliating Hack In Agency's History While we already knew the reason behind the most humiliating hack in SEC history - when one day before Gary Gensler was forced to capitulate and approved the first batch of spot Bitcoin ETF (betraying his Sith master, Pocahontas under intense...

Jamie Dimon, Who "Hates" Bitcoin, Will Be Broker-Dealer On The Bitcoin ETF Of The World's Biggest Asset Manager
30.12.2023, 01:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jamie Dimon, Who "Hates" Bitcoin, Will Be Broker-Dealer On The Bitcoin ETF Of The World's Biggest Asset Manager Remember when Jamie Dimon was yelling and screaming that Bitcoin is a "fraud that will eventually blow up", that he'd "close it down if he was the government", and that crypto's only "true use case is for criminals, drug traffickers, money...

Wirtschaft als das Leben selbst: Außenseiter
16.03.2020, 19:31 Uhr. junge Welt - https: - Berühmt wurde die indianische Häuptlingstochter Pocahontas, die den ersten englischen Siedlern half, in der neuen Welt Fuß zu fassen....

Coole Wampe: Scharfer Eintopf [Online-Abo]
08.03.2019, 19:37 Uhr. junge Welt - https: - Pocahontas und ihre Leute aßen einheimische Früchte und jagten die Wildtiere ihrer Gegend. Außerdem domestizierten sie Truthühner und bauten Bohnen, Kürbisse, Mais, Tomaten, Auberginen, Paprika und Chilis an....

Neueste    Heute    19.04.2024    18.04.2024    + Doppelte News