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Neueste    Heute    06.05.2024    05.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

US Pushing G-7 To Accept Long-Term $50 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine
05.05.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Pushing G-7 To Accept Long-Term $50 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine As part of the latest in the Western allies' (some of them at least) controversial push to confiscate Russian sovereign assets and give them to Ukraine, the Biden administration is leading talks among G7 nations to commit to a new military aid package for Kiev worth up to $50 billion...

"Much Milder Than Feared": Philips Shares Soar 43% After US Sleep Apnea Settlement
29.04.2024, 15:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Much Milder Than Feared": Philips Shares Soar 43% After US Sleep Apnea Settlement Shares of Royal Philips on Euronext Amersterdam surged as much as 43% Monday, the most on record after a lower-than-expected settlement in the US linked to faulty Respironics ventilators for sleep apnea. The Dutch medical equipment manufacturer recalled the therapy...

European ESG Funds Witness Heavy Decline In Inflows
26.04.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - European ESG Funds Witness Heavy Decline In Inflows Authored by Irina Slav via, European exchange-traded funds with a focus on ESG investing saw a substantial decline in inflows in the first quarter amid what Morningstar called “an existential crisis”. According to the Financial Times, net inflows into these funds totaled 7.1 billion...

Project Much? Hillary Clinton Claims Trump Wants To 'Kill, Imprison His Opposition'
20.04.2024, 22:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Project Much? Hillary Clinton Claims Trump Wants To 'Kill, Imprison His Opposition' Hillary Clinton, who once suggested murdering Julian Assange and whose party is trying to imprison their chief political rival, suggested that Donald Trump wants to murder and imprison his political opponents. Appearing on a podcast with Marc Elias, the Democrat super-lawyer...

Why Is Gold Rising Now, Where Is It Headed Tomorrow?
20.04.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Is Gold Rising Now, Where Is It Headed Tomorrow? Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via, Needless to say, we at VON GREYERZ spend a good deal of time thinking about, well… gold. The Complex, the Simple, the Math and the History Year after year, and week after week, there is always a new way to examine gold price moves and decipher...

Schneller als gedacht: Die Einführung des Digitalen Euro im Turbo-Modus
18.04.2024, 10:30 Uhr. - https: - Ein Meinungsbeitrag von Patrick Schüffel. Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) macht Dampf. Im Oktober 2023 hatte die EZB beschlossen, die Vorbereitungsphase für den Digitalen Euro einzuläuten. Diese digitale Version des Euros, die von der EZB herausgegeben wird und als elektronisches Zahlungsmittel vorgesehen ist, soll elektronische Transaktionen...

Die ZKB-Filiale Winterthur hat auch kein Geld mehr
17.04.2024, 16:04 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - (via Michael_Ballweg)Als ich dort Euros in Franken wechseln wollte, sagt man mir, dass es bei der ZKB kein Geld mehr gäbe. Ich solle einen Bankautomaten benutzen, wenn ich Bargeld brauche....

O custo da guerra
14.04.2024, 22:37 Uhr. Global Research - https: - A guerra da NATO contra a Rússia na Ucrânia leva ao aumento das despesas militares. De acordo com dados oficiais, as despesas militares italianas aumentaram de 21 mil milhões de euros em 2019 para mais de 30 mil milhões em … The post O custo da guerra appeared first on Global Research....

Kindergrundsicherung: Neuer Streit um aufgeblasene Bürokratie-Attrappe ohne Wirkung
13.04.2024, 22:01 Uhr. clausstille56 - https: - Die deutsche Politik streitet weiter um die Kindergrundsicherung. Einmal mehr wird deutlich: Bei den Armen wird geknausert, für die Reichen rollen die Euros. Und: Der deutsche Sozialstaat ist ein repressives Bürokratie-Ungetüm, das nicht für, sondern gegen Bedürftige arbeitet. Von Susan … Weiterlesen →...

Futures Tumble On Disappointing JPM Earnings, Surging Geopolitical Risks
12.04.2024, 15:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Tumble On Disappointing JPM Earnings, Surging Geopolitical Risks Futures are tumbling this morning, hit by disappointing earnings and outllook from the largest US bank, JPMorgan whose stock is down around 3% in a soggy launch to Q1 earnings season, while growing fears of an imminent conflict between Israel and Iran have sent oil surging and...

IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar
11.04.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar Authored by Brandon Smith via The Burning Platform blog, Global reserve currency status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Treasury Department understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The petrodollar monopoly...

Germany Reportedly Goes On Military Spending Spree To Hit NATO Spending Minimums For First Time
09.04.2024, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany Reportedly Goes On Military Spending Spree To Hit NATO Spending Minimums For First Time In 2006, NATO defense ministers agreed that each member country would commit at least 2% of its GDP to defense spending. Nearly two decades later, some member countries have not met the target, only to be recently reminded by former President Trump to ramp...

Mapping Average Wages Across Europe
08.04.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mapping Average Wages Across Europe Much has been written about the best countries in Europe to visit, sight-see at, or vacation in. But the economic powerhouse of a continent also has eight of the top 20 largest economies, the biggest single-market area, and some of the richest countries in the world. How does all of that translate into how much people...

Germany's Murder Of Europe
28.03.2024, 07:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany's Murder Of Europe Authored by Drieu Godefrei via The Gatestone Institute, In a preparatory impact report, a copy of which has been obtained by the Financial Times before official release, the European Commission estimates that to achieve the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040 then 100% in 2050 — the main objective...

Rheinmetall Shares Reach New High On Plans For Ammunition Plant In Ukraine
19.02.2024, 15:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rheinmetall Shares Reach New High On Plans For Ammunition Plant In Ukraine One of the world's largest producers of artillery and tank shells secured a joint venture with a Ukrainian partner to produce 155mm caliber bullets.  On Saturday, German defense company Rheinmetall announced it had signed a memorandum of understanding with an unnamed Ukrainian...

From Censorship To Criminalizing Dissent
17.02.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - From Censorship To Criminalizing Dissent Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, History does seem to be on fast forward, doesn’t it? A major battle is brewing throughout the Western world over the basic principle of free speech. Is it going to be protected by law? It’s not entirely clear what the outcome will be. We seem to be on the precipice...

Hotel Rooms Or Homes?
17.02.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hotel Rooms Or Homes? Even with Airbnb posting a net loss of $500 million in its fourth quarter of 2023, the past year was a success story for the short-term rental platform, which increased its annual revenue to roughly $10 billion and net income to $4.8 billion. Nevertheless, as Statista's Florian Zandt details below, the hotel business is still...

Polish Farmers Set To Join European Revolt With Mass Blockade
07.02.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Polish Farmers Set To Join European Revolt With Mass Blockade Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Polish farmers are set to join the continent-wide revolt against the EU by launching a massive nationwide strike and blockade later this week. Farmer protests have exploded in multiple different countries against the EU’s green agenda and...

Charity Says Egypt Intelligence-Linked Firm Charging $5,000 Per Truck To Get Aid Into Gaza
01.02.2024, 09:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Charity Says Egypt Intelligence-Linked Firm Charging $5,000 Per Truck To Get Aid Into Gaza Via Middle East Eye An international charity with extensive experience in providing emergency aid in wars, famines and earthquakes throughout the Middle East and in Afghanistan is being forced to pay $5,000 a truck to a company linked to Egypt’s General Intelligence...

US Clean Energy Stocks Have Lost $30 Billion In Value In The Last 6 Months
30.11.2023, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Clean Energy Stocks Have Lost $30 Billion In Value In The Last 6 Months While the U.S. government continues to try and micromanage markets and subsidize their virtue signaling preferences, 5% interest rates have been busy offering up a reality check to the Biden administration's green energy pipe dream. That pipe dream is, of course, that green energy...

Is Your Money Safe? Within A Year, Millions May Lose Their Savings Due To AI Threat, Warns Cybercrime Expert
30.11.2023, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is Your Money Safe? Within A Year, Millions May Lose Their Savings Due To AI Threat, Warns Cybercrime Expert Authored by John Cody via ReMix News, Artificial intelligence is advancing at lightning speed, and these advances are not only set to reshape our very reality, they could leave many losing all of their savings, according to cybercrime expert...

"We're Entering A Whole New Era": AI Video Generation Becoming 'Shockingly Good'
28.11.2023, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "We're Entering A Whole New Era": AI Video Generation Becoming 'Shockingly Good' AI may be a few years away from creating custom-tailored VR movies based on whatever you can imagine, but it's become surprisingly good over a very short period of time. As Rowan Cheung of opines on X, "We're entering a whole new era of film." 1. Generating...

500 Euros per «MoneyGram» nach Donezk – nicht ausbezahlt, aber auch nicht zurückgeschickt. Wer weiß Rat?
26.11.2023, 09:09 Uhr. GlobalBridge - https: - So wurde ich von meinem Vater nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erzogen: Wenn es einem gut geht, soll man auch an jene denken, denen es weniger gut geht. Meine neuste Lebenserfahrung: Spontane Spenden werden mehr und mehr aus politischen Motiven verhindert. Im Vergleich zu den meisten anderen Ländern der Welt sind wir Schweizer wirtschaftlich klar bessergestellt...

ESG Grift Endgame: Deutsche CIO Now Says Oil Companies Have A Place In ESG Funds
26.11.2023, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - ESG Grift Endgame: Deutsche CIO Now Says Oil Companies Have A Place In ESG Funds At the end of the day, it always winds up reverting to common sense and, in the investing world, alpha.  That's what has Markus Müller, chief investment officer ESG at Deutsche Bank's Private Bank, admitting this week that if you want to make money - no matter what you...

"Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative
25.11.2023, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Extreme Situation": Fat-Finger Trade Sends Finnish Power Prices Crashing Deeply Negative On Thursday, a bidding error sparked chaos across the Finnish electricity market that sent power prices deeply negative. Bloomberg reported that market participant Kinect Energy mistakenly sold half the country's power consumption at an hourly auction for Friday...

Germany's Creative Accounting Finally Hits A Brick Wall
25.11.2023, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany's Creative Accounting Finally Hits A Brick Wall By Erik-Jan van Harn, Macro Strategist at Rabobank Summary The top court in Karlsruhe has now overruled the German government on relabelling EUR60bln in covid funds, which directly puts projects championed by the coalition at risk. There are risks to the survival of the ‘Traffic light’-coalition...

Cold Blast Across Europe To Intensify Next Week As Gas Markets Remain Uncertain 
22.11.2023, 15:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Cold Blast Across Europe To Intensify Next Week As Gas Markets Remain Uncertain  The first wave of winter in Europe is expected to bring freezing temperatures from the end of this week until early December, increasing heating demand across commercial and residential properties while the continent's natural gas reserves are full.  According to Bloomberg...

Dutch Central Bank Admits It Has Prepared For A New Gold Standard
20.11.2023, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dutch Central Bank Admits It Has Prepared For A New Gold Standard By Jan Nieuwenhuijs, of Gainesville Coins In a recent interview the Dutch central bank (DNB) shares it has equalized its gold reserves, relative to GDP, to other countries in the eurozone and outside of Europe. This has been a political decision. If there is a financial crisis the gold...

How Central Banks Can Use Gold Revaluation Accounts in Times of Financial Stress
13.11.2023, 16:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Central Banks Can Use Gold Revaluation Accounts in Times of Financial Stress By Jan Nieuwenhuijs of Gainesville Coins Because central banks are the root of the modern money tree, they can use entries in their gold revaluation accounts to turn into capital, pay for expenses, or transfer it to their respective Treasuries. In addition, gold revaluation...

Die Schein-Debatte | Von Hakon von Holst
11.11.2023, 11:54 Uhr. - https: - Ein Kommentar von Hakon von Holst. Die Europäische Zentralbank stellt sich gegen die Bevorzugung des digitalen Euros gegenüber dem Bargeld durch die EU-Kommission. Die EZB, Europas Notenbank, fordert in einem Schreiben von Brüssel, die Akzeptanz von Banknoten und Münzen im Einzelhandel sicherzustellen. Immer mehr Geschäfte lehnen Bargeld mittlerweile...

German Gov't Agrees To Bailout Giant Loss-Making Wind Farm, UK Increases Subsidies
10.11.2023, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - German Gov't Agrees To Bailout Giant Loss-Making Wind Farm, UK Increases Subsidies Reuters reports the German government, Siemens AG, and other parties will provide billions of euros in project-related guarantees to support Siemens AG's struggling wind turbine division. This financial assistance comes just weeks after the company warned about mounting...

Rickards: Why's The Dollar So Darn Strong?
08.11.2023, 19:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rickards: Why's The Dollar So Darn Strong? Authored by James Rickards via, The dollar has been extremely strong over the past two years. This persistent dollar strength has been a mystery to many. After all, the dollar’s problems are well known. The ratio of government debt to GDP for the United States is at a record high approaching...

Behind Mike Bloomberg's $500 Million Donation To 'Finish The Job On Coal'
08.11.2023, 00:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Behind Mike Bloomberg's $500 Million Donation To 'Finish The Job On Coal' Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Billionaire philanthropist and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged $500 million in September toward shifting electricity production in the United States to wind and solar energy and shutting down its coal-...

Europe Facing Civil War?
28.10.2023, 13:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Europe Facing Civil War? Authored by Drieu Godefridi via The Gatestone Institute, In Vienna, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and dozens of other European cities, demonstrations "in support of Palestine" were organised even before the Israelis responded the jihadist pogrom perpetrated by Iran-backed Hamas on October 7, while the corpses of more...

Ernst Wolff: Digitaler Euro – Was steckt hinter der Agenda? – MMNews
17.06.2023, 14:58 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Realsatire Was steckt wirklich hinter der Einführung des digitalen Euros? Droht die moderne Sklaverei? Michael Mross im Gespräch mit Ernst Wolff.   Mein Telegram Kanal: ↪︎ Artikel:…   MMnews-Club – der exklusive Börsen-Club von Michael Mross: ↪︎ https://www...

Instagram Fined Over 400 Million Euros By Ireland For Mishandling Children’s Data
10.09.2022, 15:06 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - The Irish Data Protection Commission launched an inquiry into Instagram in 2020 for mishandling children’s data, which resulted in Instagram being fined over 400 million euros. The post Instagram Fined Over 400 Million Euros By Ireland For Mishandling Children’s Data appeared first on GreatGameIndia....

Mächtige Mitwisser – Die organisierte Kriminalität unter den „Volksvertretern“ gefährdet unsere Demokratie
07.09.2022, 19:45 Uhr. Home - https: - Seit genau 20 Jahren weiß die Bundesregierung vom CumEx-Betrug. Und genauso lange wird dieses Verbrechen an den europäischen Steuerzahlern zuverlässig immer nur dann an die Oberfläche gespült, wenn es der Agenda nützt. Die dunklen Verwicklungen des Kanzlerkandidaten Olaf Scholz haben 2021 offenbar niemanden interessiert. Dass seine Vergangenheit...

Abgesang des Euros mit Markus Krall, Gunther Schnabl und Marc Friedrich
29.08.2022, 17:24 Uhr. - https: - Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Gunther Schnabl und Marc Friedrich erörtern in diesem alphaTrio vom 16.07.2022 das „Endspiel“ der Zentralbanken, der Finanzsysteme, des Euroraumes, des Dollars als Weltleitwährung und vieles mehr. Das Zeit-Erkaufen der Zentralbanken mittels monetärer Staatsfinanzierung und endlosen Gelddruckorgien stößt an seine Grenze...

Leben im Zwischenraum: In Tansania lebt der europäische Auswanderer wie ein reicher König
27.04.2022, 15:24 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Auswandern, Fliehen vor der Corona-Diktatur nach Tansania, ein bitterarmes Land, schafft bizarre Verhältnisse: Selbst der ärmste Europäer ist hier ein reicher König. Selbst die dünnste Brieftasche, gefüllt nur mit wenigen Euros, ermöglicht hier das monatelange Leben in Hotels....

Austria Hiring People to Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers For Almost $40,000 A Year
27.12.2021, 21:45 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - As per reports, the government in Austria is hiring people to hunt down vaccine refusers. The vaccine refusenik hunters may get 2774 euros (almost $40,000 a year) as wage that will be paid 14 times in a year. The post Austria Hiring People to Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers For Almost $40,000 A Year appeared first on GreatGameIndia....

The Telegraph: Großbritannien hat Herdenimmunität erreicht
29.07.2021, 19:08 Uhr. Blauer Bote Magazin – Wissenschaft statt Propaganda - - UK hat Herdenimmunität erreicht Gloomy predictions ring hollow as 90pc of adults have Covid antibodies and the Euros may have pushed country towards nationwide protection Düstere Prognosen klingen nun hohl, da 90 % der Erwachsenen Covid-Antikörper haben und die Europameisterschaft das Land zu einem landesweiten Schutz gebracht haben könnte Den Bericht...

UK hat Herdenimmunität erreicht
29.07.2021, 18:19 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Gloomy predictions ring hollow as 90pc of adults have Covid antibodies and the Euros may have pushed country towards nationwide protection Düstere Prognosen klingen nun hohl, da 90 % der Erwachsenen Covid-Antikörper haben und die Europameisterschaft das Land zu einem landesweiten Schutz gebracht haben könnteDen Bericht gibt's hier. Tja, dumm gelaufen...

L’Allemagne entame un essai du revenu de base universel où les gens reçoivent 1 200 € par mois pendant 3 ans
24.08.2020, 07:46 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Alors que le monde continue à lutter contre une récession sans précédent déclenchée par la pandémie de coronavirus, les gouvernements du monde entier s’efforcent de trouver des moyens de minimiser les conséquences sociales et financières du tsunami d’expulsions, de pertes d’emplois et de famine. Face à l’aggravation de la crise, l’Allemagne...

Wird der Bitcoin der große Gewinner der Corona-Krise?
21.03.2020, 12:46 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Wir wissen zwar nicht wie lange die Corona-Krise unser Leben von persönlichen Einschränkungen bestimmen wird, aber wir können sicher sein, dass die wirtschaftlichen Folgen enorm sind. Hunderte Milliarden Euros werden dazu verwendet, damit die Auswirkungen nicht ganz so fatal sind. Es wird versucht Unternehmen zu retten und Menschen unter die Arme...

EU seems to be obsessed with anti-Russian sanctions - Lavrov
10.02.2020, 12:59 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Russian Foreign Minister drew attention to the fact that European businesses was suffering "losses of many dozens, if not hundreds, of billions of euros" from the anti-Russian sanctions. The European Union’s anti-Russian sanctions look rather like an obsession that has little link with the realities of practical politics, Russian Foreign Minister...

Haucap: Die Zahlen sind da! | DHV-Video-News #184
23.11.2018, 16:29 Uhr. Nachrichten - Nachrichten RSS Feed | Deutscher Hanfverband - https: - Haucap: Die Zahlen sind da! | DHV-News #184 Video of Haucap: Die Zahlen sind da! | DHV-News #184 Die Hanfverband-Videonews vom 23.11.2018 Die Tonspur der Sendung steht als Audio-Podcast am Ende dieser Nachricht zum downloaden oder direkt hören zur Verfügung. So war die "Cannabis Normal!" Konferenz des DHV Hanf-Adler 2018: Die Preisverleihung Die Kosten...

Spanien empört die NATO und England, weil es Russland die Schiffspassage durch Gibraltar erlaubt
21.11.2018, 08:15 Uhr. einartysken - https: - Joaquin Flores 17. November 2018 Aus dem Englischen: Einar Schlereth Der Felsen von Gibraltar, ein russischer Flugzeugträger, ein UBoot und ein Kreuzer.Die USA verliert langsam, aber sicher die Kontrolle über Europas militärische und ökonomische Zukunft. Obendrein verliert auch die NATO Allianz – die ihren erklärten Gründungszweck verlor, als...

Ein ausländischer Staat zahlt die Gehälter der Beamten im Gaza-Streifen
11.11.2018, 09:02 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - - Das Emirat Katar sollte 21 Millionen Euros überweisen, um die Gehälter der Beamten im Gaza-Streifen zu bezahlen. Die im Gaza-Streifen lebenden palästinensischen Beamten werden, als Folge des Bruchs der Beziehungen zwischen Präsident Mahmud Abbas und der Hamas, seit mehr als sechs Monaten nicht mehr von der palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde bezahlt...

Warum ist Fleisch so billig?
18.08.2018, 19:39 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - NachrichtenspiegelOnline - Dank der Bauernlobby! Der Deutsche gibt nur einen von zehn Euros für Lebensmittel aus. Da muss ein Quadratmeter Wohnfläche pro Schwein ausreichen....

Neueste    Heute    06.05.2024    05.05.2024    - Doppelte News