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Neueste    Heute    03.05.2024    02.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Syria - Attacks On Turkish-Russian Patrols Endanger Ceasefire
15.07.2020, 11:23 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The Syrian province of Idleb continues to be a hotbed for Jihadis. Since the last Turkish Russian ceasefire agreement the Turkish army deployed more and more troops in Idleb to bring the various Jihadis it unofficially supports under control. The main Jihadi group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), has now taken the role of a Turkish proxy force. All other...

Libye: le mystérieux raid aérien non identifié ayant visé des batteries antiaeriennes Raytheon MiM-23 « Hawk turques sur la base d’Al Watya près des frontières tunisiennes mené par un Awacs
08.07.2020, 11:15 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - La semaine écoulée, des positions militaires turques en Libye occidentale et en Syrie septentrionale ont subi des attaques aériennes non identifiées durant lesquelles les radars turcs ont été aveuglés par des moyens électroniques. Dans le premier cas, Ankara soupçonna la France et la Russie d’être derrière ces raids. Dans le second cas...

Russian MoD: Terrorist organizations attack safe villages and towns in Idleb countryside
01.06.2020, 09:17 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Head of the Russian Coordination Center Oleg Zhuravlev said that we have registered a number of shelling attacks by terrorist organizations from their positions on a number of towns in Idleb , including al-Dahr al- Kabir, Mallajah, and Maaret Moukhos....

Western propaganda against Turkey
08.03.2020, 15:03 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - While pretending to protect Turkey, Western propaganda hides its calls for help. The problem is by no means the clashes with the Russian army at Idleb, nor the fate of the families of jihadists, it is much more serious. The world is a cruel place. It is not by blinding ourselves that we will be able to come to the aid of threatened populations. According...

Syria - Another Short Note On The Recent Developments
02.03.2020, 20:20 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - After the confusion caused by the sudden stand down of Russian forces in Syria and the following Turkish drone attacks everything seems to be back to normal. Russian planes are again bombing Jihadis and Turkey has been told by Russia that none of its planes or drones will be safe within Syria`s sky. The Pentagon announced that it will not provide air...

Army units enter Saraqeb strategic city in Idleb countryside
02.03.2020, 19:07 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Syrian Arab army units entered on Monday Saraqeb strategic city on Aleppo-Damascus international highway in Idleb province after expelling the Turkish regime backed-terrorist groups from the area....

Turkish regime’s air force targets two Syrian aircrafts in Idleb
01.03.2020, 18:10 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The pilots used parachutes and landed safely, the source added....

Syria - Deadly Bomb Strike Warns Turkey To End Its Escapades
01.03.2020, 15:37 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The last three days of the Idleb campaign were quite eventful. The Turkey supported Jihadis threw everything they had against Saraqib where the M4 and M5 highways join. This enabled the Syrian army to take some 40 towns and cities at the southern front. The whole Ghab plain is now in liberated and the frontline has been massively shortened....Throughout...

Army Command announces closing airspace over northwestern region, particularly Idleb
01.03.2020, 14:40 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - A military source announced that the airspace over the northwestern region in Syria, particularly over Idleb province has been closed, and any aircraft that violates the Syrian airspace will be considered as a hostile aircraft that must be downed and prevented from achieving its hostile goals....

Die Deutschen Macht-Ambitionen im erweiterten Nahen-Osten
14.02.2020, 07:45 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - 75 Jahre nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg will Deutschland wieder Militärmacht auf internationaler Bühne werden. Dazu hat es sich den erweiterten Nahen-Osten ausgesucht. Aber ohne Erfahrung außer seiner eigenen historischen, ist es für Deutschland schwierig und gefährlich sich auf diese Höhe zu hieven. ntsprechend dem von Volker Perthes 2013 redigierten...

Army units continue to advance in several towns and villages in Idleb and Aleppo countryside
08.02.2020, 23:12 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The reporter added that the Army units operating in Aleppo southern countryside advanced in al-Eiss town and its strategic hill after concentrated strikes which destroyed the terrorists’ fortifications and bases....

Syrian Army Progress Leads To New Scuffle Between Turkey And Russia
06.02.2020, 14:31 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The continuing Syrian army operation to liberate Idleb governorate is leading to a new clash between Turkey and Russia. The governorate of Idleb is still largely occupied by Turkish controlled `rebels` and al-Qaeda aligned Jihadi groups like Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)....

OPCW Whistleblowers: Management Manipulated Reports - Douma `Chemical Weapon Attack` Was Staged
19.11.2019, 00:21 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - On April 7 2018 Syrian `rebels` claimed that the Syrian government had used chlorine gas and Sarin in an attack on the besieged Douma suburb near the Syrian capital Damascus. They published a series of videos which showed the dead bodies of mainly women and children. Before the incident Jaish al-Islam, the main `rebel` group in Douma, had already agreed...

La version officielle de l’élimination d’Al-Baghdadi confirme qu’il vivait à Idleb au milieux des Casques Blancs syriens adulés par Hollywood et à deux pas de la frontière turque…ou comme
29.10.2019, 09:56 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Si l’on en croit la version officielle relative à l’élimination du dénommé Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi, le Chef présumé de l’organisation terroriste connue sous l’acronyme arabe de « Daech », celui-ci aurait été localisé et neutralisé à Berisha dans le Nord-ouest de la province rebelle d’Idleb, la dernière province rebelle en Syrie...

President al-Assad meets army personnel on frontlines in Idleb and Hama countryside
22.10.2019, 18:32 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - President Bashar al-Assad on Monday visited Syrian Arab Army units operating on the frontlines in Idleb’s southern countryside and Hama’s northern countryside....

Wie der Win-Win-Win-Win Plan für Syriens Nordosten Erfolg hat Moon of Alabama
18.10.2019, 20:21 Uhr. einartysken - https: - Moon of Alabama 16. Okt 2019 Aus dem Englischen: Einar Schlereth Die syrischen und russischen Operationen laufen gut. Gelb deutet auf türkiches EindringenRusische Truppen verhüteten Versuche der türkisch unter-stützten Dschihadisten, Manbij anzugreifen. Russische und syrische Einheiten wurden nun auch in Ayn al-Arab/Kobani aufgenommen. Syrische...

Sommet d’Ankara / Erdogan expose son projet de colonisation en Syrie
20.09.2019, 08:09 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Lundi16 septembre, les présidents des trois États garants du « processus d’Astana » de désescalade militaire en Syrie ont tenu leur cinquième sommet tripartite à Ankara. Dans un premier temps, le président turc a fait savoir que la solution à Idleb ne pouvait être que politique et, qu’avant le début de ce sommet, il avait eu avec le président...

Syrie : entre la bataille d’Idleb et l’échec des politiques de l’Occident
11.09.2019, 13:17 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - L’avancée de l’armée syrienne dans la région d’Idleb inquiète plusieurs protagonistes de la guerre en Syrie.Les dirigeants turcs ont conscience que toute solution à Idleb sera au détriment de leur présence au nord de la Syrie. Ce qui pourrait par le fait mettre fin à toutes ambitions d’annexions et de spoliations de ce territoire syrien...

How Syria Defeated the 2012-2019 Invasion by US & Al-Qaeda
11.09.2019, 07:26 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Eric Zuesse - On August 31st, the brilliant anonymous German intelligence analyst who blogs as “Moon of Alabama” headlined “Syria – Coordinated Foreign Airstrike Kills Leaders Of Two Al-Qaeda Aligned Groups”, and he reported that,“Some three hours ago an air- or missile strike in Syria’s Idleb governorate hit a meeting of leaders of the...

Syria - Coordinated Foreign Airstrike Kills Leaders Of Two Al-Qaeda Aligned Groups
01.09.2019, 14:24 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Some three hours ago an air- or missile strike in Syria`s Idleb governorate hit a meeting of leaders of the al-Qaeda aligned Haras-al-Din and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) aka Jabhat al-Nusra. Both were killed. It is likely that leaders of other Jihadist groups were also present. The hit completely destroyed a Haras al-Din guesthouse or headquarter...

Syrian `Rebels` Feel Left Behind - Burn `Traitor` Erdogan`s Picture
31.08.2019, 08:29 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Since 2011 the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan used Syrian `rebels` and Islamist Jihadis as proxy forces against the Syrian government. These forces are now mostly confined to Idleb governorate next to the Turkish border. The Syrian army recently made progress against the Jihadis. Turkey did not come to their help. That their resistance is futile...

Des terroristes vont de Syrie en Ukraine, et des Ukrainiens vont à Idleb
15.08.2019, 13:29 Uhr. Net News Global - - À force de fermer les yeux sur ce qui se passe en Ukraine, la population européenne risque bien de se réveiller un matin avec la gueule de bois, si ces terroristes islamistes exfiltrés de Syrie et d’Irak commettent des attentats sur le sol européen, qu’ils auront pu atteindre sans problème grâce à leurs passeports ukrainiens. Ce jour-là...

Army carries out concentrated operations against al-Nusra terrorists in Idleb and Hama
14.08.2019, 06:50 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Syrian Arab Army units on Tuesday continued their operations against terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra and groups affiliated to them in the northern countryside of Hama and the southern countryside of Idleb....

Syrien-Update – Kämpfe in Idlib
03.08.2019, 17:55 Uhr. Blauer Bote Magazin – Wissenschaft statt Propaganda - - Al-Jaafari: Millions of Syrians in Idleb appeal to state to rid them from terrorism and Syria will not wait forever until the Turkish regime implements its obligations 03.08.2019, 16:33 Uhr. Net News Global – https: – Head of Syria’s delegation to Astana talks, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari on Friday said that...

Hours after putting into force the ceasefire agreement in the de-escalation zone in Idleb terrorists fire 5 rockets toward the coast
03.08.2019, 16:41 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Few hours after putting into force the cease-fire agreement in the de-escalation zone in Idleb, terrorist groups fired five rockets on Friday morning 2/08/2019 from Shahshabou mountain near the Turkish observatory no. 10 toward the coast....

Al-Jaafari: Millions of Syrians in Idleb appeal to state to rid them from terrorism and Syria will not wait forever until the Turkish regime implements its obligations
03.08.2019, 16:33 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Head of Syria’s delegation to Astana talks, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari on Friday said that Syria will not wait forever until the Turkish regime implements its obligations in accordance to Astana understandings and Sochi Agreement on Idleb, stressing that millions of the Syrians in Idleb province are appealing to the Syrian state to rid them from terrorism...

Mettre fin aux souffrances des Syriens commence par admettre certaines vérités…
24.06.2019, 00:18 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - La tenue de cette réunion du Conseil de sécurité arrive au bon moment vu qu’elle nous offre l’opportunité, ainsi qu’à d’autres États, de vous brosser le tableau des attaques lancées par les groupes terroristes armés, [rassemblés] à Idleb, sur les villes et les villages voisins, notamment le Rif d’Alep, les Rifs du nord de Hama et...

The army destroys Jabhat al-Nusra dens in Idleb countryside
02.06.2019, 12:47 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Syrian Arab Army units responded to the attacks of the terrorist groups on the military points tasked with protecting safe villages adjacent to the southern countryside of Idleb....

Syrien hat die Pflicht und das Recht, seine Bürger vor Terrorismus zu schützen
31.05.2019, 16:50 Uhr. Net News Global - - Die Terrororganisation Jabhat al-Nusra, die den größten Teil der Provinz Idleb kontrolliert, setzt ihre Angriffe auf benachbarte Gebiete und die syrischen Armeepositionen fort, hat der Ständige Vertreter Syriens bei den Vereinten Nationen Bashar al-Jaafari betont und bekräftigt, dass es das Recht und die Pflicht des syrischen Staates ist, seine...

L’Armée syrienne met en échec une offensive rebelle sur le nord de Hama depuis Idleb Posted on
21.05.2019, 17:34 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - La province rebelle d’Idleb dans l’extrême nord de la Syrie est la dernière poche totalement autonome échappant entièrement au pouvoir central syrien. Elle mène depuis quelques semaines une nouvelle politique agressive de nature expansionniste visant à gagner des territoire et à encercler à terme les provinces côtière de Lattaquié où...

Neueste    Heute    03.05.2024    02.05.2024    + Doppelte News