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Neueste    Heute    15.09.2024    14.09.2024    + Doppelte News  

Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot
15.09.2024, 18:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot Venezuela has announced the arrest of three Americans, two Spaniards and a Czech citizen, accusing them of plotting to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro. The arrests were first announced Saturday by the country's Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello, who said...

Massenmigration ohne Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit
14.09.2024, 11:50 Uhr. - https: - Zuletzt waren bei TKP mehrere Artikel zum Themenkomplex Massenmigration veröffentlicht worden. Diese fallen aber meist weit hinter die Erkenntnisse einer coronakritischen und sozialen Opposition zurück. Ein Einspruch. Gerade in Österreich gab es auch im linken Lager mehrere migrationskritische Stimmen. Dazu zählt nicht nur der Verleger Hannes Hofbauer...

China Raises Retirement Age For First Time Since 1978, Sparking Social Fury
14.09.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Raises Retirement Age For First Time Since 1978, Sparking Social Fury A few weeks ago, we warned that the entire Chinese experiment was on the verge of collapse because while on one hand the welfare state was crumbling due to Beijing's stubborn insistence not to stimulate the economy at any cost (normally, it would be admirable to be so stubbornly...

The US Is As Close As Ever To Saudi Arabia, 23 Years After 9-11
14.09.2024, 02:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The US Is As Close As Ever To Saudi Arabia, 23 Years After 9-11 Authored by Aaron Sobczak via The Mises Institute, The legacy of 9-11 is full of misinformation and misguided policy initiatives. Rather than taking seriously the motives of the hijackers and their supporters, American politicians went head first into creating a massive surveillance state...

Netanyahu's Popularity Surges Despite Large Protests In Tel Aviv: Poll
14.09.2024, 02:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Netanyahu's Popularity Surges Despite Large Protests In Tel Aviv: Poll Via The Cradle An opinion poll published on Friday showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party would win the largest number seats in the parliament if an election were held now. The poll, published in the Hebrew language Maariv newspaper, showed Likud winning...

It's Also "Disinformation" When Our Government Does It
14.09.2024, 00:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's Also "Disinformation" When Our Government Does It Authored by Connor O'Keefe via The Mises Institute, In recent weeks, there have been a series of stories about the government cracking down on foreign agents allegedly working to influence the 2024 election. First, the intelligence community linked the Iranian government to a hacking of Trump...

Israel Inserted Elite Commandos Into Syria, Blew Up Secret Missile Base, Reports Say
13.09.2024, 14:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Inserted Elite Commandos Into Syria, Blew Up Secret Missile Base, Reports Say The Sunday night major Israeli airstrikes in the central Syrian town of Masyaf which we reported on earlier in the week might have involved much more than what was initially known. There was an unusually high death toll for such an attack, which targeted a highly secretive...

Die AfD ist gesichert rechtsextremistisch?
13.09.2024, 06:37 Uhr. Peds Ansichten - https: - Über Elemente des Grundsatzprogramms der Partei Alternative für Deutschland Der innerdeutsche Schnüffeldienst namens Verfassungsschutz arbeitet seit Jahren intensiv daran, die ungeliebte echte Opposition in Deutschland scheinrechtlich zu kriminalisieren. Bei dieser Tätigkeit erfährt er wohlwollende Unterstützung durch die Einheitsparteien und...

Venezuela Fighting On. U.S. Sponsored Economic Warfare
12.09.2024, 16:23 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Once again, the Venezuelan opposition has refused to accept the electoral victory of Chavismo. Since the first victory of Hugo Chavez in 1999, the Venezuelan extreme right have used fascistic methods to try and break the Bolivarian Revolution. These include … The post Venezuela Fighting On. U.S. Sponsored Economic Warfare appeared first on Global...

Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU
12.09.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU By Mish Shedlock of MishTalk For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow. Image notes, I created the image using Grok, then modified the image in Photoshop to add German text, hopefully contextually accurate...

«Der dressierte Nachwuchs» – Warum die heutige Jugend nicht aufbegehrt, sondern auf Linie ist
11.09.2024, 12:40 Uhr. - https: - Ein Meingunsbeitrag von Eugen Zentner. Seit der Corona-Krise hat sich eine breite außerparlamentarische Opposition gebildet, eine bunte Bewegung aus kritischen Geistern, die das politische System und Regierungsentscheidungen kritisieren, die aufbegehren, sich vernetzen und nach Wegen suchen, wie sich die vielen Missstände der Gegenwart beseitigen...

Nonprofits Sue IRS Alleging Political Speech Rules Not Applied Equally
10.09.2024, 18:36 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nonprofits Sue IRS Alleging Political Speech Rules Not Applied Equally Authored by Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times, Two Texas churches and a couple of nonprofit organizations with tax-exempt status are challenging the IRS in federal court over alleged violations of their freedom of speech, free exercise of religion, and equal treatment under the law...

US Funds Opposition in Myanmar, Pouring Gasoline on Fire in Another Conflict with China?
10.09.2024, 17:16 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Washington has been deepening its ties with the so-called pro-democracy forces in Myanmar, and, amid today’s New Cold War, this has prompted Beijing to warn against “external interference” in the country. China has been leading mediation efforts in the neighboring … The post US Funds Opposition in Myanmar, Pouring Gasoline on Fire in Another...

What's Wrong With Slow Agony
10.09.2024, 16:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What's Wrong With Slow Agony By Michael Every of Rabobank Yesterday saw ex-“whatever-it-takes” ECB president/Italian PM Mario Draghi deliver a shocking report on the EU’s future. As Draghi told a journalist in the Q&A held in a very large room with a very small audience unbefitting the topic at hand, Europe must change radically to thrive, and...

Michigan Supreme Court Blocks RFK Jr.'s Bid To Remove Name From Ballot
10.09.2024, 14:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Michigan Supreme Court Blocks RFK Jr.'s Bid To Remove Name From Ballot Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times, The Michigan Supreme Court has denied Robert F. Kennedy’s request to have his name removed from the state’s general election ballot, reversing a lower court ruling and closing the last legal avenue available to Kennedy in the case...

DoJ Admits Illegal Immigrant Stole American's ID, Voted In US Elections
10.09.2024, 05:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - DoJ Admits Illegal Immigrant Stole American's ID, Voted In US Elections Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times, The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that an illegal immigrant agreed to plead guilty to charges of stealing an American citizen’s identity, using it to vote in elections, and obtaining a U.S. passport. Angelica Maria Francisco...

McCormick Outlines 'Playbook' In Tight Pennsylvania Senate Race
10.09.2024, 02:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - McCormick Outlines 'Playbook' In Tight Pennsylvania Senate Race Authored by Philip Wegmann via RealClearPolitics, With August in the rear-view mirror, Senate candidate Dave McCormick (R-PA) admits he never really made much of “brat summer,” the amorphous Gen Z meme that no one can exactly define but that Vice President Kamala Harris has adopted...

Indonesia’s Democracy Still Looks Unsteady
09.09.2024, 20:32 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Protesters pushed back against parliamentary overreach last month, but the Jokowi-Prabowo alliance still threatens a healthy opposition....

"It'll Crater The Market": Andy Schectman On Kamala Harris' Tax Policy
08.09.2024, 15:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "It'll Crater The Market": Andy Schectman On Kamala Harris' Tax Policy Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance I was incredibly honored to welcome my good friend Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin Precious Metals back onto my podcast this week. I haven’t talked to Andy since May and wanted to get his take on the upcoming election and the state of gold and...

Künstler als außerparlamentarische Opposition
08.09.2024, 13:01 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Wer der Cancel Culture zum Opfer fällt, flieht in eine alternative Kulturszene. Die wächst seit der Corona-Krise recht schnell. So haben sich in der Kulturbranche parallele Strukturen herausgebildet. Von ihnen erzählt das Buch von Eugen Zentner mit dem Titel „Kunst und Kultur gegen den Strom“. Eine Rezension von Éva Péli. „DassWeiterlesen...

X-Verbot in Brasilien: Hunderttausende protestieren
08.09.2024, 09:12 Uhr. - https: - Das X-Verbot in Brasilien formiert die Opposition und bringt die Massen auf Sao Paulos Straßen. Die Menschen in Brasilien fordern Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit.  Wer X/Twitter in Brasilien nützt, macht sich strafbar. Es drohen Tausende Euros Strafe. Das ist mittlerweile die Realität. Doch die Opposition in Brasilien ist weiterhin organisiert...

Bolsonaro Leads Massive Free Speech Protest In Brazil After Supreme Court Bans X
08.09.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bolsonaro Leads Massive Free Speech Protest In Brazil After Supreme Court Bans X Thousands of Brazilians flooded city streets on Saturday to protest against the government's censorship crusade against Elon Musk's 'free-speech' X platform. Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro greets protesters in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on September 7 [Ettore Chiereguini/AP...

A SWAT Team Destroyed Their Home, Now This Family Is Going To The Supreme Court
07.09.2024, 20:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A SWAT Team Destroyed Their Home, Now This Family Is Going To The Supreme Court Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Vicki Baker was ready to close the sale of her house in McKinney, Texas, in July four years ago. She and her new husband were settling into a new home in Montana. Her daughter, Deanna Cook, lived in the McKinney...

Die Präsidentschaftswahlen in Venezuela: Putschversuch oder Betrug?
07.09.2024, 13:10 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Der Soziologe Reinaldo Iturriza erörtert im Interview mit Federico Fuentes die gegensätzlichen – und unzureichenden – Narrative rund um die Ereignisse bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Venezuela. Die Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 28. Juli scheinen eine Wiederholung der vorangegangenen Wahlen zu sein, bei denen die Opposition erneut...

The Silent Crisis: Understanding Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Its Impact On Our Health
07.09.2024, 02:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Silent Crisis: Understanding Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Its Impact On Our Health Authored by JP Errico via RealClearHealth, Last Thursday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. withdrew (kind of) from the 2024 presidential race.  He didn’t have to, and in the case of 40 out of 50 states, he actually didn’t.  But, he also didn’t have to endorse Donald...

Ex-Präsidentschaftskandidat der Opposition in Venezuela wird per Haftbefehl gesucht
06.09.2024, 07:24 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Die venezolanische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft hat einen Haftbefehl gegen den ehemaligen oppositionellen Präsidentschaftskandidaten Edmundo González erlassen.Ein Gericht hatte den Haftbefehl gegen den von den USA unterstützten Politiker wegen Amtsanmaßung, Fälschung öffentlicher Dokumente, Anstiftung zum Gesetzesbruch, Verschwörung, Sabotage und...

On Being A "Threat To Democracy"
05.09.2024, 19:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - On Being A "Threat To Democracy" Authored by Donald Jeffries via "I Protest", Merriam-Webster defines “democracy” as: “a: Government by the people especially : rule of the majority, b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving...

Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe Into Suspicious Software Error
05.09.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany's AfD Party Calls For End To Mail-In Ballots, Launches Probe Into Suspicious Software Error Via Remix News, Although the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party secured a first-place finish in the Saxony elections on Sunday, the party is still launching an investigation into an alleged computer error that cost them a seat in parliament and is also...

US Steel CEO Warns Collapse Of Nippon Deal Would Spark Plant Closings 
04.09.2024, 16:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Steel CEO Warns Collapse Of Nippon Deal Would Spark Plant Closings  Just days after Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris publicly opposed Nippon Steel's $14.9 billion bid for US Steel, the CEO of the Pittsburgh-based steel giant told the Wall Street Journal that the company would be forced to relocate its headquarters and shut down steel...

Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans
03.09.2024, 18:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir's port. The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to "deter...

Friedensrede von Ulrike Guérot
03.09.2024, 13:46 Uhr. - https: - In einer Rede vor dem Münchner Friedensfestival referierte Guérot über den politisch-militärischen Komplex und die Kriegsmaschine des Westens. Am Sonntag fand in München ein „Friedensfestival“ statt. Einige bekannte Gesichter der Opposition sprachen auf der Bühne. Darunter auch Ulrike Guérot, die seit Covid zu den wichtigsten Dissidenten...

Testimony of Former Israeli PM Adds Urgency to Debate on Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack
03.09.2024, 08:26 Uhr. Global Research - https: - The testimony of present-day leader of the opposition and former Prime Minister of Israel Yair Lapid has added to the already fierce controversy on whether at the highest levels in the country there was foreknowledge of the attack by Hamas … The post Testimony of Former Israeli PM Adds Urgency to Debate on Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack appeared...

The Rise Of Global Conformism
02.09.2024, 15:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Rise Of Global Conformism Authored by Bruce Davidson via The Brownstone Institute, At a formal ceremony for retiring professors at my university, each retiree got an opportunity to make a short speech. In my own speech, I mentioned that my last few years coincided with the Covid panic. Far more than the disease itself, what shocked me was the worldwide...

Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?
02.09.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess? Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Brownstone Institute, Consider Mark Zuckerberg’s revelation and its implications for our understanding of the last four years, and what it means for the future.  On many subjects important to public life today, vast numbers of people know the truth, and yet the official...

Mapping Where Journalists Disappear
02.09.2024, 04:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mapping Where Journalists Disappear August 30 marked the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. Enforced disappearances are the arrest or abduction of a person by or on behalf of the state, followed by that same authorities’ refusal to acknowledge it. The move is used as a means to silence opposition and to spread terror. The...

Trump Endorses Florida Marijuana Measure, Calls For Public Smoking Ban
02.09.2024, 00:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Endorses Florida Marijuana Measure, Calls For Public Smoking Ban Former President Donald Trump says he supports a public ban on smoking marijuana, but that people shouldn't be criminalized for carrying "small amounts" of weed. "In Florida, like so many other States that have already given their approval, personal amounts of marijuana will be legalized...

Harris Accidentally Admits The Economy-Crushing 'Green New Deal' Is Her Real Agenda
01.09.2024, 21:49 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Harris Accidentally Admits The Economy-Crushing 'Green New Deal' Is Her Real Agenda Democrats (and Neo-Cons) never actually abandon an agenda, even if the majority of the population is against it.  Instead, they look for the backdoor and pass legislation subversively by hiding it within other measures.  The Green New Deal was a wildly unpopular concept...

Military Threat: China's AI Robots
01.09.2024, 02:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Military Threat: China's AI Robots Last week, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) organized the World Robot Conference - where they showcased the latest advancements that China's robotics industry has produced over the past several years. A UBTECH humanoid robot demonstrates its applications on a factory assembly line, at the World Robot Conference in...

Peter Schiff: Fed's Pivot Is Misguided
29.08.2024, 20:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Peter Schiff: Fed's Pivot Is Misguided Via, In this episode, Peter analyzes the Fed’s conference in Jackson Hole and the pivot Jerome Powell signaled in figure monetary policy. He also dives into the hot political topics from this week, namely, the Democratic National Convention and RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump for President...

The Western Way Of War - Owning The Narrative Trumps Reality
29.08.2024, 05:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Western Way Of War - Owning The Narrative Trumps Reality Authored by Alastair Crooke, War propaganda and feint are as old as the hills. Nothing new. But what is new is that infowar is no longer the adjunct to wider war objectives – but has become an end in and of itself. The West has come to view ‘owning’ the winning narrative – and...

Gavin Newsom Considers Plan To Force Public Colleges To Hire Illegal Immigrants
29.08.2024, 03:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gavin Newsom Considers Plan To Force Public Colleges To Hire Illegal Immigrants Authored by Travis Gillmore via The Epoch Times, California lawmakers passed a bill Aug. 26 that would prohibit colleges and universities in the state from making hiring decisions based on a students’ immigration status, with the measure now on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk...

Is Tesla At Risk From Marco Rubio's Push to 'Blacklist' Chinese Battery Firm CATL?
29.08.2024, 00:54 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is Tesla At Risk From Marco Rubio's Push to 'Blacklist' Chinese Battery Firm CATL? US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and US Representative John Moolenaar (R-MI) penned a letter to US Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to "immediately place" Chinese battery giant Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (CATL) on Section 1260H List (blacklist)...

IDF Rescues Hostage, Father Of 11, In Daring Gaza Tunnel Raid
27.08.2024, 21:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - IDF Rescues Hostage, Father Of 11, In Daring Gaza Tunnel Raid Israel's military has announced another big breakthrough operation on Tuesday, after a small handful of prior hostage recoveries. An Israeli Bedouin man has been recovered alive after spending more than ten months in Hamas captivity. 52-year old Qaid Farhan Alkadi is a father of eleven and...

It's A Bipartisan Miracle! Over 200 Bush, McCain, Romney Aides Endorse Harris
27.08.2024, 20:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's A Bipartisan Miracle! Over 200 Bush, McCain, Romney Aides Endorse Harris For your daily reminder that the establishment is one big club (and you ain't in it!)... ...more than 200 former aides to George W. Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Mitt Romney have offered their full-throated support for Vice President Kamala Harris. According to The Hill, most...

How Qatar Spreads Chaos In The Middle East And Fuels Radical Islam In Europe
27.08.2024, 08:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Qatar Spreads Chaos In The Middle East And Fuels Radical Islam In Europe Authored by Adam Starzynski via ReMix, People who have been following international news closely in recent years might have noticed that Qatar keeps appearing in the headlines and clearly punches well above its weight in world affairs for a country with only 300,000 citizens...

Labour's North Sea Windfall Tax Sparks Industry Backlash
26.08.2024, 09:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Labour's North Sea Windfall Tax Sparks Industry Backlash Via, Over 40 energy sector companies have voiced their concerns over Labour's proposed windfall tax increase, warning it could lead to significant job losses. The tax hike, intended to fund green initiatives, has been criticized for potentially hindering investment in both fossil...

10 Reflections On Ukraine After Its Latest Independence Day Celebrations
26.08.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 10 Reflections On Ukraine After Its Latest Independence Day Celebrations Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Ukraine celebrated its 33rd Independence Day on Saturday, during which time Zelensky made a hyper-aggressive speech boasting about his forces’ ongoing invasion of Kursk. So much has happened in the over 900 days since the latest phase...

Russia Calls Detained Telegram Founder A 'Political Prisoner' - Demands France Provide Answers
25.08.2024, 20:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Calls Detained Telegram Founder A 'Political Prisoner' - Demands France Provide Answers Russia is demanding answers following the arrest Pavel Durov, the billionaire co-founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram. He was detained by French authorities at the Bourget airport outside of Paris Saturday evening after arriving in his private jet....

Media Claims Elon Musk Is A Threat To Democracy... But Is “Democracy” Even Worth Saving?
25.08.2024, 01:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Media Claims Elon Musk Is A Threat To Democracy... But Is “Democracy” Even Worth Saving? Authored by Brandon Smith via There is perhaps nothing more tiresome and embarrassing as the theatrical pearl clutching of leftist media propaganda. For three years the public had to deal with the incessant drone of media fear mongering over the...

Neueste    Heute    15.09.2024    14.09.2024    + Doppelte News